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Letters on Occult Meditation - Letter III - Points considered when assigning Meditation

June 4, 1920

  1. The Ray of the Ego or Higher Self.
  2. The Ray of the Personality or Lower Self.
  3. Karmic condition of the threefold man.
  4. The condition of the Causal Body.
  5. The need of the period and the man's availability.
  6. The groups, inner and outer, with which he is affiliated. [14]

We have dealt with the importance of meditation, and I have suggested for your consideration four reasons out of the many why the practice should be followed. At this period when meditation is followed by many of you without the guidance of a teacher who is personally acquainted with you on the physical plane, it has been impossible to do more than formulate a plan for practice that carries in it the elements of safety and of universality.

When a teacher is on the spot, differentiated practice may be carried on suited to the temperament of the pupil, and having certain attributes that make that particular meditation the line of least resistance from the physical brain of the personality to the causal body.

In formulating methods of meditation certain factors must be taken into consideration. These factors I will now enumerate. I seek not to give you outlines and methods to be followed. I but indicate the underlying principles that guide the teacher in the choice of method suitable for the pupil. Later, when the teacher comes and the scientific application of the method to the individual is being demonstrated, you can then see if the rules laid down here are fundamentals or not. These fundamentals and principles are all I seek to give. Method and detail must be worked out through the use of discrimination, experience, courage and perseverance.

The factors that must be considered by a teacher when assigning a meditation are six in number, if we deal only with the principal ones. They are as follows: [15]

  1. The Ray of the pupil's Ego, or Higher Self.
  2. The Ray of his Personality or Lower Self.
  3. The Karmic condition of his threefold lower nature.
  4. The condition of his Causal Body.
  5. The immediate need of the period and his availability.
  6. The groups, inner and outer, with which he may be affiliated.

We will now take them up and consider them one by one.

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