Fragmentation Incarnating into Successive Generations



   Now, to the examples of generations in America: I have chosen these examples because they have received enough public attention that they are known to many, because they had denials that needed to be looked at now, and, not surprisingly, because they are incarnations of groups I’ve already mentioned in this book.  These people all had denials that incarnated as children and families, which is why I want to give these examples now. 


   When sexual relationships take place in the presence of denial, you may not get the Spirit you think you’re going to get when you have a child.  Most of the children born of these relationships are not really spirits; they are fragments of Spirits or denied Will of the Spirits involved.  hey have karma with their parents and they have reflections to give. How lovingly or unloving the reflections are given is dependent upon the judgments held in the situation and the amount love present in the judgments. If these families have love among the fragments and just lack understanding on how to keep fragmentation from happening, they feel more complete as a family unit. If there’s a lack of love and except as to where the essence that is fragmented, these families are more comfortable separated from one another than they are when they’re together. Some of these people have so much guilt that they do not allow themselves to know whether they like one another or not. 


   These Spirits fragmented when they felt they could not handle everything at once.  Some of the denial held by the fragments are loved by the parental part of the Spirit and some are not. Some of the greatness the Spirits originally had was denied into fragments when guilt told them to diminish themselves. The progression of generations here followed the progression of the denials in the parental parts of the spirits involved.  “What one generation could not accept in itself, the next generation reflected in a state of denial.


   The first generation involved here came to America in droves.  They had an adventuresome, inventive, pioneering spirit that wanted to make themselves a better life. They tried various lifestyles as farmers, pioneers, craftsmen and artisans, and merchants and traders. They began building America into what it is now.  Some of these people had an affinity to the Indians in many ways that are not recorded in history or brought forward much anymore. The problems between these newcomers to America and the Indians were, at first basically because there were so many of the newcomers that the Indians felt crowded by their lifestyles.  The Indians had the feeling of being pushed back to make room for the newcomers and these Indians then made other tribes still pressured to move back also. 


   The newcomers had left Europe to gain religious, personal and economic freedom. They had been unable to prevail with the establishment there and had decided to seek a better life for themselves by leaving their problems in Europe.  These people had a desire for a fresh start, and the lifestyle that was less restricted by rules and limitations. They also had religious misunderstandings and sexual guilt that were not moving at the time. These spirits had much of their Wills in a state of denial, just as they have had from very beginning. They wanted to allow only the feelings that felt good to them, and they believed these emotions were the only ones that were acceptable to God. 


   These people had sexual energy, but they did not believe it was right, so they held back as much as they could.  Even so, they had many children because the guilt involved here dictated this as the price they had to pay for having sexual relations. The children these people parented reflected their parents’ guilt’s to them and made the parents feel that their guilt’s were right. What the parents thought they had left behind in Europe had very quickly reincarnated into their lives again. Their children had the desire to bring limitations and rules back into their lives again, and one of the main arguments that they used was that there were now too many people to continue with the old ways of letting individuals govern their own lives. This generation wanted to pass laws, fence the land, regulate business and increase government in general. 


   This guilt generation told their parents that they were going to have to step aside, because their children had the ideas needed to organize the country and to give the form it needed to progress into the vision their parents had given, but could not manifest without their children’s help. 


   The parents here had faced this reflection before in Europe and had no better idea how to heal it there than they had when they faced it again in their children.  The guilt was not recognized then, nor was it known that underneath the guilt lay denied emotions that were empowering their fragments. For example, fear was being held in the state of denial when these people left Europe. Their fear had been judged as something that would hold them back. In trying to leave their fears behind instead of taking them in and healing them, the fears had received the judgment that they were not to move and show themselves for what they were because fears were limiting, unacceptable and a sign of weakness. 


   The children who were holding these denied fears did not then present themselves as being afraid. Instead they had a very and annoying look of weakness to them that most of their parents did not allow themselves to see or respond to. This next generation continually justified itself in the face of every argument their parents could present and had a feeling of self righteousness which was actually infuriating, although the response to this was denied as unloving. If response had been given in the presence of the unrecognized guilt, parents would have been punished for being unloving toward their children. 


   These children succeeded in having their way. They placed limitations on life in America that were designed to limit movement to the levels that the fears could handle. The fears, then, did not have to feel themselves or be triggered into motion, but the expansionism and freedom their parents had felt without this reflection could not continue either. Since balance had not been found within, the imbalance was also manifesting outwardly, by giving the first one side the upper hand, and then the other side. The problem with this approach is that there is no movement or evolution involved, only compromises and the taking of turns, so to speak. 


   This generation of guilt was holding denied fair and also denied anger. The guilt that was not allowing the emotions to move made it appear as though fear and anger were entities, separated from one another and unable to mingle and balance because of the lack of real movement.  


   The fear fragments made and enforced the rules, sometimes with the help of certain kinds of anger fragments. Most of the denied anger manifested as a parallel batch of fragments whose lives made it appear as though all the limitations and rules were necessary. 


   When this guilt generation of denied emotion had children, they gave birth to more denials. They had children that were fragments of denied greatness that wanted to rush ahead of everything that was trying to hold them back. Their parents were very strict with them, and tried to invoke religion to control them. 


   These children began in small ways and grew into the great era of entrepreneurs, builders and farsighted investment bankers. Their imbalances made it appear that another round of limitations was needed. 


   The next generation was another guilt generation that fenced the ranges move the Indians onto reservations, had a war over states’ rights, and forced law and order into places where it had not been before. And, of course, the anger fragments made it look like the shutting down of expansionism was right, because their abuses were even more extreme than the imbalances of the fragments of the denied greatness. 


   When this guilt generation had children, they had another generation of denials. The children born to these parents were also fragments of the first generation that I gave as examples here; they were also part of the denied greatness I mentioned earlier. The parental parts of the spirits who denied this greatness in themselves did it because they are not able handle all of their own greatness unless they moved their fear of their own greatness and power. 


   When the self cannot accept something in itself, it feels it is wrong to have it.  This feeling allows guilt to move in and tell the spirits involved that it is right to deny itself in this way. Guilt told the spirits that they had too high an opinion of themselves, that they were too much and that they needed to diminish themselves. Guild also told them that the fear was to let them know that they were not right to go ahead as they were. 


   Fear is meant to hold you back, but moving fear does not hold you back indefinitely; it allows you to go ahead as you are ready to. Moving fear does not mean getting it out of the way and going ahead in spite of it. When this happens, the fear goes into a state of denial where does not move. It then acts like a separate entity that holds the spirit back from what it wants to do because that is the way the fear has been judged. 


   In this case, the spirits who denied it, got ahead of it for a little while and then it manifested in front of them and began telling the spirits whose fear it was, why the fear would have to put limits on them again. The generation that had the denied fear and guilt about having the fear also had plenty of sexual repression involved in the denials it was holding. There was also a parallel batch of fragments holding the denied anger which gave the reflection that it was not right to be free because some would abuse the freedom. 


   The generation of denied greatness gave the impression of being less sexually repressed than their parents, but they had overridden their guilt to give this impression. Their guilt manifested in the form of increased diseases which made them think that their parents had been right. This generation also had an increase in reproductive problems that gave the impression that birth needed to take place in hospitals or it might not be safe. 


   Although this generation had many inventors, innovators and creative people that brought America into what could be termed the “ modern world,“ they still had denials involved that did not all of them to the success they could have had if they had attained the balance that healing is needing to bring now. 


   These people had a generation of guilt for parents who held them back, in many ways, from attaining the full measure of success there were seeking.  The generations of guilt stayed in power for a long time by telling their parents they must step aside in their favor and then telling their own children that they must listen to and respect the authority of their elders because they didn’t have enough sense to see that there were headstrong and about to run away with themselves.  The fragments of greatness got held back by the fear and guilt of the ones who had originally judged themselves unable to handle all their greatness at once. The generations of guilt held back the generations of greatness and separated them from one another because those spirits could not go past their own fear and guilt in this way.  


   I am giving a simplified version here, but you can begin to see how individual spirits projected parts of themselves forward until the projecting parts are pulled into the line up again. The spirits involved here have been attempting to learn something, and now it is time for them to understand what they have been doing. 


   The generation of innovators also had a World War to fight, but I do not want to go into that now because will make the example too complex. You will get the complexities as you go along. When this generation had children, they had a guilt reflection also. This generation tried to do everything right. They wanted to have lives that were the most proper ever lived. They had presence in Victorian times, but I will not go into that now. They tried to give the American dream an evenness and conformity that their children later rebelled against. They also had a war to fight and they won it. They were honorable and dutiful. They raised their families in the suburbs, safe from everything they hated in the city. They had a feeling that they had to do right by their children. They gave them everything, including a good education, from the very beginning. They got involved in the schools and in their communities. They got the people they liked elected by going out and voting en masse. They had intent to give the American Dream the best thing it had had yet; another generation of hard workers who were even better educated than they were. 


   They begat the hippies instead. They were horrified to find everything they had worked together children was going unappreciated. Their children were thrown away to all for drugs, sex, and rock-and-roll. The parents thought the children had a feeling that nothing was good enough for them because they didn’t appreciate what they had been given. They did not want to work; they want to loaf instead. They did not want to pay taxes; they wanted to take the government for everything they could.  They didn’t care about law and order; they demonstrated started riots. Instant gratification was all they care about and they didn’t care how they got it. The rebellion of their children caught these parents almost totally by surprise. They had thought their children were going off to war and they burned their draft cards instead. 


   The hippies, and those who sympathized with them, had a desire to restore some color to life and most of their parents did not appreciate the creativity in this at all. They wanted to punish them and force them back into the mold they had so carefully prepare for them. Many hated the Hippies at first for cheating them of the fruits of their lives efforts. These parents want to punish these children and they had law and order establishment to do it. They had a desire for them to go and fight, whether or not they wanted to or not, and they had the draft to make them do it. They wanted to stop them from using drugs, and they had the police to do it. They could not stop them from having sex though. All the sexual denials they held so dear to their proper life were being thrown in their faces and they could not seem to stop it. The parents hated these children for that especially. Hysterectomies took place in record numbers on young people during those years. The hatred the parents were feeling got denied into others who were willing to do what the parent’s hatred wanted done to teach their kids a lesson.  The kid’s reactionary sexual expression had the denied guilt that drew the punishment. 


   The kids got mad but they did not win. They got put down whether they knew it or not. Who were these kids and where did they come from?


   These kids were the generation I already mentioned who started this country, and also a good many Indians who felt they could not live the way they wanted to live in the Indian form any more. Why did the hippies fail again to gain and maintain the freedom they so much wanted to have? Because they had denials they had fragmented out and guilts they had tried to push out, which manifested as the ones that opposed them. The ones who brought the hippies down from every trip they took were manifestations of their own denials, which took whatever form their judgments instructed them to take. 


   The generations on both sides had the guilt that manifested in between and told them that they had to hold themselves back, that it was wrong to expand freely, and that they had to have regulations and limits put on them so that they would go forward in an orderly manner. The guilt fragments reflected judgments held by those they were limiting. There were many judgments here, but the core consisted of the belief that Free Will was immoral and selfish and that doing what they want is to do was chaotic and impossible in the presence of others. Fear and anger that was not moving held these judgments in place so that guilt could use them to oppose freedom of movement here. 


   The judgments were held in a state of denial by the ones who had denied their emotions in favor of their desire to go forward. The fragments of Lost Will manifested the reflections that made all the judgments seem to be true. Guilt holds back people who have not moved the reasons they need to be held back. 


Original Cause “The Unseen Role of Denial”

Ceanne DeRohan

Four Winds Publishing

Pages 169 through 176


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