The Lemurian Age I


Teaching of the Sea Gods


The Adept and the Path



Valerie Bonwick


Jonathan Bigras



How does one counsel the plight of a people when plenty isn’t enough?



   The Lemurian Root Race has fascinated students of pre history for many years and this interest will increase as the threshold of mankind’s presence on the planet recedes farther back into the dawn of time. The first fact to bear in mind is that the extended epoch that encompassed the Lemurian Age from its inception to its fall, included so many changes in climate, geography, fauna and flora, that the way of life for early members of the race who were Hyperborean in physique and in temperament, is quite different from that of later Lemurian subraces in markedly different for those who established the Lemurian colonies in other areas of the world later on in their history. Mans temperament evolved also subrace after subrace as they emerged in Lemurian history.


   The demarcation line between the Hyperborean and Lemurian Root Races is hazy. The Hyperborean's were nomadic and probably the only effective means of marking the transitions from the Hyperborean to the Lemurian Root Race, is to consider their permanent settlement in a chosen location and the end of a purely nomadic way of life as a criterion.


First Lemurians


   During the latter phases of the Hyperborean age, worn and weary and nomadic groups traveled consistently, moving on when the environment deteriorated, to seek relief from volcanic upheaval and the polluted atmosphere. The ongoing crisis which precipitated mankind’s treks to seek sanctuary from natural disaster reached its climax about 35 million years ago. Some of the groups that survived journey eastward and eventually, the small clans from Hyperborea that were to bridge the transition into the Lemurian Age, traveled across what is now called Asia leaving small groups of settlers along the way, until some of them came to the land you call Lemuria, much of which now lies beneath the Pacific ocean. This arduous trekking was of long duration and their nomadic way of life remained harsh as they learned, adapted and overcame their hardships.


   The first Lemurians were rather inflexible in character, but this attitude was to undergo transformation, traversing many stages of behavior, from expressing a grateful, relaxed joy of living to a spoiled selfishness in the latter days of their Age. These of course are very broad generalizations and they do not apply to spiritually advanced entities, of whom there are representatives reincarnated to further the evolution of every generation of mankind, nor do they necessarily apply to their disciples.


   Their racial metamorphosis closely paralleled an improvement in the world’s climate and atmosphere, which was also responsible for improvement in their standard of living and eventually led to a beneficent cultural environment.


   At first, life was simple; they appreciated improvements in air quality, however slight, for they were much more sensitive to diminished pranic inflow than modern man. Their physique was still too delicate to digest solid food, but they stabilize their physical well-being with the diet of fresh fruits and herbs, which the Devas had already nurtured in readiness for their changing metabolism.


   They ate simply, with reverence for their nourishment and gratitude towards those who had provided it. Gradually, their lives became less strenuous and they were able to express a more intense joy of living. There was a great deal of interaction between them and their friends of the Deva Evolution and because of their telepathic skills, trust established between them and most and most animal species. They also relaxed the grip of nervous tension that was a physical legacy from their Hyperborean predecessors and in time, their interest turned to pursuits more in keeping with their evolutionary goals.


Aboriginal Records


   Even now, in addition to our own records, a reasonable accurate picture of those early years has survived, recorded in descriptions of what is called “dream time“ by the few Australian aboriginal tribes who have retained their cultural tradition. Until recently, modern anthropologists considered dreamtime to be a hazy and mythic period of prehistory, but much may be learned from those records that is of great value and studying the source of subraces that have survived from the Lemurian Age to the present time.


   The aborigine bullroarer for instance, in widespread use until very recently in Australia, owed its inception to the days preceding the need or the practice of speech. It was used to amplify thought when transmitting ideas and information to be shared by the tribe. Imported by the Lemurians when they immigrated to the Atlantean colonies, the use of the bullroarer persisted even through the days of ancient Greece, until its purely functional purpose was buried under layers of Temple ritual and the technique of the practitioner was forgotten.


Evolutionary Goals


   The evolutionary goal of the Polarians was to acquire knowledge and experience, while at the same time maintaining non-attachment. Their practice of employing positive empathic skills had been intended not only as an instrument by which to expand their consciousness, but also to serve as a safeguard to protect them from arrogance as their intellectual capacity increased. Their extended goal during the Late Polarian Age was to restore full spiritual authority to the Solar Plexus Chakra.


   The evolutionary goal of the Hyperborean's was to express positive compassion and sympathy, innocent of superficial sentimentality, while at the same time eschewing hardness of heart, thus expressing the Middle Way as their individuality developed further. Their extended goal during the late Hyperborean age was to restore full spiritual authority of the Heart Chakra.


   The evolutionary goal of the Lemurians was to develop the creative power of sound. This was something of a revolutionary concept in the early days of the race. Remember, they still had no need for vocal speech as such; they were completely telepathic and able to communicate precisely in silence. Therefore, the vocal cords of the early Lemurians were relatively undeveloped. Their extended goal was to reinstate full spiritual authority to the Throat Chakra.


Mastering the Power of Sound


   After awhile, the Lemurians begin to mimic the sounds they heard around them. It amused them to tease their animal companions by copying their calls and they very quickly learned that the vibration from vocalized sound amplified the projection of thought. It was only a series of simple steps before cooperative members of the animal kingdom had become trained to respond to man’s call and not much more effort was involved to influence the somewhat more naive nature spirits to respond. Many of the Devas also obey these calls in the beginning, as part of a game to be played with her Human companions.


   Eventually, communicating vocally became an integral part of the daily life of the Lemurians, not because it was better than telepathy, but it was a new and innovative and it seemed at that time to confer certain powers upon those who used it well. Even today, there are echoes of this philosophy in the fragments of manticism and mantic practice, which have survived into the 20th-century among some of the fundamentalist Christian sects, as well as more secluded outposts of religious fervor.


   The above was only the very first step in a learning process which was to culminate in the control and expression of sound waves that began as a positive instrument, but which ended in disaster.




   The formation of speech as such, was slow to begin with; but listening to the song of the birds precipitated the Lemurians interests in the beauty of sound. They soon became proficient at creating haunting melodies and even today; this influence can be heard in the spontaneous song of some Pacific Islanders.


   We take speech so much for granted, that unless a child suffers from related defect, it is considered a natural and quite uneventful except by its parents, for a baby to learn to speak. Rarely is the fact dwelt upon that mankind did not always vocalize. In learning to speak, a baby is actually repeating a Lemurian achievement. In this respect, it is quite inaccurate for early man to be depicted as dumb and of course, stupid.


   If Man did not vocalize language it was because he possessed a far more valuable asset, the mindskill of telepathy and had he been stupid, his species could never have survived the hazards that dwelling on the physical plane involved.


Division of the Sexes


   Man’s physical form has undergone many changes since he first “put on flesh, “his physique had responded to variations in climate, to changes in the atmosphere and most notably to changes in diet. He now drank and ate fruits and herbs, not because they were a novelty, but because he needed them and his choice of foods had a great deal of influence, not only upon his form, but also upon his emotional state.


The Lords of Shamballa who were monitoring mankind’s progress decided from observation that if man could not return to his former ethereal state of being and was already multiplying upon the planet indiscriminately, then it would be wise to help mankind to achieve a wider field of expression and experience, by defining desirable physical characteristics and social guidelines. Until that time, the Lords of Shamballa had monitored Man’s racial patterns and nurtured the subraces themselves, encouraging by their own example, positive qualities of character which were important for Man to strive towards in his own spiritual quest.


Great Initiates


   During the middle of the Lemurian Age, mankind approached a process of procreation requiring both male and female cooperation and it was deemed wise, that for mankind to harness and control this stage of experience positively, Initiates embodying the male and female principals at their best, should assume the responsibility of defining and exemplifying the wider range of qualities of character and personality which would now be mankind’s to express. Subtle degrees of tenderness and caring and more heroic traits of courage and strength would now become mankind’s to be explored, but not exploited.


   Therefore, a group of great Initiates who had been waiting to accelerate Man’s evolutionary process by the very fact of their presence on this planet were called to Earth at that time. They included in their number several Initiates whom you already know by name. One such great Initiates was Lady Isis, who has remained with us ever since, coming out into the world when Ever it has been deemed necessary to personify the feminine principle for a certain epoch, sometimes overshadowing a great incarnation and at other times, incarnating herself.


Transformation and Choice


   The physical difference between the sexes was not obvious at first and their external appearance remained the same for quite some time. Gradually, internal physical adjustments establish themselves, male and female qualities of expression became more pronounced.


   The transformation which resulted in the division of the sexes could not and did not happen overnight. It was such a gradual process that it came to be looked upon as unremarkable. In this respect, it was a triumph for those who were guiding mankind, that they were able to avoid undue psychological stress over the genetic adaptation of the physical vehicle, which could very well have undermined the mental well-being of the Lemurians.


   That there were preferences to express oneself either as a male or female is true, much encouragement was sometimes needed to balance the sexes and maintain a fairly even division of numbers, but absolute equality of the sexes was considered normal and was practiced until this present age.


   Many millennia were to pass before the physical division of the sexes was perfected. One of the opportunities for further expansions of consciousness which was explored and determined at that time, was the freedom to choose before reincarnating, whether one wants to return to life on the physical plane expressing oneself in the male or female form. This choice in itself is provided mankind with greater opportunity to acquire further expansion of awareness.


   Lemurians not only benefited from the wider range of an expression that resulted from the division of the sexes, they also proved they were ready to expand their field of experience, by working in cooperation with those who were guiding the race of Man.


Establishing a Spiritual Hierarchy on Earth


   When the Great Initiates arrived on Earth, the Lords of Shamballa were released to some extent from monitoring the race of Man alone. By delegating certain tasks to the new and welcome arrivals, they gained their freedom to walk amongst mankind, either by using physical vehicles which they created out of mind matter for that purpose or by incarnating on the physical plane.


   It was due to the firsthand experience gained by the Lords of Shamballa on the physical plane, that they decided in council to initiate a Spiritual Hierarchy on the Earth.  Established by the Great Initiates at the opposite side of the world to Shamballa, this location was chosen so that the Lemurian Race would benefit from a powerful planetary center to the east as well as the west of their lands.


   This second planetary center also provided a hierarchical system into which spiritually evolved and intellectually advanced members of the race of Man could gain admission and receive specialized training, preparing them to improve their world when they were ready for the responsibility. The hierarchy was destined to become, amongst its other reasons for being, a framework which would provide opportunity for man’s spiritual self-determination when he came of age. It was hoped that one day, the Hierarchy of Earth, would join in communion with the established hierarchies of other inhabited planets in the heavens.


   The very first world teacher, the Maha, Manu and the Lord of civilization were amongst the company of Great Initiates who arrived on the planet at that time.


   Thus began the flowering of the Lemurian Age. A gracious way of life, lived in harmony with all other creatures, in a wondrous golden land of beauty, color and life purpose.


Control of the Elements


  To assist individuals to establish control of their own physical vehicles, the Great Initiates taught man the principles of what is now called, in the vestiges of tradition that remain, Mudra Yoga.


   The Lemurian people at that time, also received mind training from the Great Initiates who fulfilled their mission to exemplify the highest possible evolutionary standards by ruling as Priest-Kings. Lemurians who took the fullest advantage of this training, reincarnated is the wisest of philosophers in the succeeding generations of mankind.


   Then the Lords of Shamballa introduced Mantra Yoga to mankind to encourage man to express his ideology with greater confidence and to instill a psychological separation from the Animal Kingdom.


   Mankind soon brought his practice of mantra yoga to new proficiency. Some Lemurian achievements were of a level of expertise that is difficult to contemplate today. They tamed the wildest of animals and learned to bond some of the nature spirits to themselves. Both these skills survive today, although the latter is practiced in lesser degree, but both practices are capable of abuse and not encouraged by our own people. At the height of their proficiency, the Lemurians could accelerate the growth of plants, manipulate the size of various species of the animal kingdom and control the winds and waves of the ocean.


Lemurian Architecture


   Lemurians had no need of complex structures for their everyday requirements, but they did become deeply involved in the creation of the impressive public buildings. They had already to some extent mastered climate control, even if it was very local and on a small-scale, so they needed little protection from the elements. Therefore, they chose to erect superb monumental structures that were instrumental in establishing a sense of security, furthering social interaction, promoting group affiliation and providing a defined sense of community.


   Lemurians had already learned to harness telekinetic power and their use of it in construction was supported by direction and guidance they received from their rulers. Of extra terrestrial origin or training, their Priest-Kings possessed extremely sophisticated planning abilities which they put at their people’s disposal.


Temples of Power


   Lemurians were quick to emulate the massive architecture of their extra-terrestrial mentors. Late Lemurian temples in particular, became even more Cyclopean in size. The reason behind this was functional.


   Certain leaders, who had mastered the practice of mantra yoga, developed a technique of conserving and accumulating energy which is produced by charging the atmosphere with sound, vibration, echo and reverberation.


   A technique now lost, it was a system which intensified the projection of sound waves based upon the concentration of specific harmonic patterns. It was an unique technique for harnessing energy which was originally intended for the furtherance of community projects.


   Energy was generated, converted, accumulated and transferred for storage to natural caverns underneath the temple until was needed.


   They had given a great deal of thought to the problem of storing this energy and, because they were unsure of its properties or stability. Some of the choral experiments reached heightened intensity that demanded the results remain within thickly insulated walls, rather the have its impact unintentionally influence or shatter the diverse forms of non-participants.


   The practitioners of these mysteries who generated and served as conductors of these energies were protected from harmful effects by various means, including a self induced trance-like state. As you may surmise, for better or worse, ritualism and superstition had made inroads into their culture.


Pages 69-81


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