The Journey


   Tens of Millions of years ago in different part of our galaxy, a war was just being ended. A great devastating war where a number of planets had been destroyed. (Literally) Civilizations upon many more were set back tens of thousands of years from what we would call modern, contemporary, enlightened cultures. Souls scattered throughout a host of dimensions attempting to escape the horror and complete brutality of that war, looking for a haven from the terror. The war was so wide spread and pitted so many different systems it actual had star bases in our own solar system that supplied some of the combatants.

   What was the war over one may ask? The victors (if you may call them that) who today still carry the remorse of that time and who can honestly only say it was over etiquette. Who was supposed to do what at an appointed time? As well as whose way was more appropriate. A sorry state for the fulfillment of a galactic will.

   It was decided among all the survivors of the different planetary councils that took part in that war as well as the established universal tribunals that regulate evolutionary worlds and those supervising the evolving species of souls of which were direct descendents of the universal deity for that quadrant, a chosen few would embark upon a new higher form of co creational life as well as a higher dimensional resonance that would form the basis of a new type of galactic master culture from which to seed many of the older star systems with, and to begin a new prototype for all future systems galactic as well as universal.

    These new starseeds as they would come to be known, would be volunteer souls which would be brought from all corners of the universe and regardless of polar brain types or existing physical form, be separated from their ethereal light forms and after a satisfactory amount of time to detune they would then harmonically reconfigure themselves onto a specific type of third dimensional vibratory life form, to begin a journey back from a basic commonly projected holographic reality. When the new integrated soul form was ready, it would be able to sing (vibrate) its new type of animated form structure back up through the intervening planes and become planetary resident Christ (Heart) consciousness. This new type of entity was to be part of an ever-greater expansion of the upgrading soul fused life expression. These new infused spirits would one day become creator sons and daughters. This new form of divine expression would incorporate aspects of the Divine Father (Spirit/ intelligence )as well as that of the Material Mother (Will, Form).

    The prodigies of such lofty and seemingly remote parents were to be augmented by members of the existing planetary family from which the volunteers came from. As well as galactic masters whose sole purpose for this new cosmic life form was to keep it pure in the strictest sense of the word, while allowing something that was virtually unheard of else where in the universe. Free Will was being developed along with this new type of Christ Soul, in order for it to become perfected not from the top on down as is currently found in evolving entities but to begin in relative perfection of the new planetary as well as cosmic cultures from within from the bottom or from the beginning on forward so as to avoid further galactic wars which take such a devastating toll.

    There are many galactic cultures being represented upon this planet who will be a prototype for an interactive type logos or archetype. Each of these cultures has many reincarnating Souls in training here. The voices that we sometimes hear inside our own heads are family (extraterrestrial) that are attempting to get our attention to maneuver or coax the latent ability we all have to converse with. When the individual has developed sufficiently, guides or Angelic aid comes forth to direct or guide family members on to their path with the maximum information allowed by planetary agreement. This has been going on almost from the beginning. This is why it appears as though we are prone to cycles of inconsistent growth patterns in a wide variety of different aspects of mankind’s growth and evolution.

        For as one family speaks to one of their own, many others can hear also since communication is on an open vibrational frequency and all those who attuned to the same frequency, may share in return with their family members as well. For those who guide much of mankind there are both here in this solid human form as well as those upon the inner planes. For what ever we think as well as say to ourselves, so do we share it with the rest of the universe. For those who been here a long time and have gone to far into the illusion of this as a true reality, books are printed with words that convey meaning meant to reestablish connection. To those for whom emotion (feeling) is the preferred vehicle, there is music as well as color. No matter from where we hail in the universe we all retain soul memories of home and comfort which we occasional all need to bring us back to the task at hand. All may be found in music, colors, and scents of our own unique blend. Search and you will find just how complex each of us is in our own way as well as our unique path of the heart.

    For those whom the intellectual and potential have a place in your being, science, mathematics, physics connect you to your physical experience here. It must be brought out here that being at resolutely anchoring yourself in one realm or the other creates crystallization (no movement) and there by a halt on your road to other planetary work and life. Reoccurring life cycles on this plane is the reward for such approaches.

  There are approximately thirty-six different species being represented here all with distinct family ties. There are also about fifty unrelated species here learning as well, all very neatly dressed as Adam Kadman. (Our biological human form) The supporting cast is astounding, which, by the way we will get to a little later. In addition to the somewhat older soul beings, we have many younger more, less experienced souls of varying evolutional status. Which may, for some explain some of the different behavior patterns seen throughout all the levels of our multicultural life, as well as the need for multifaceted learning approaches.

    As a loose thought I might tie in here, there are millions of extraterrestrial ships maneuvering in and around our star system right now, as there are enough pictures available from our space telescopes to prove there is family in the neighborhood. Even closer, watch the cloud types as well as shapes and sizes. How many of you have seen prisms reflected from a cloud body? How many have see the leading edges of clouds furled upward like a wave made by a passing boat on a lake? It takes resistance to create the wave on a cloud how much resistance is suppose to be make by a cloud? Ever watch the stars at night and see what you thought was a possible planet move very quickly and a right angles opposing directional movement than just blinking out? All of these examples are craft in either a low or a high orbit but still in our visible as well as touchable and identifiable realms.

    We are coming to an important date in our ever- widening venue of multiple realities. This is happening on a number of different levels within what we perceive to be the one and only real world as you may notice a number of different agendas to a conclusion. The door is also opening for newer as well as higher learning curves, which we are just beginning to participate in. We also live or might I say exist on two to five more sub planes that each have their own set of rules. Our ability to differentiate or to discern these levels are based upon our own uniquely developed range of vibrational tuning. One such level is the ability to daydream. What is found here is the ability to shift different aspects of yourself onto a field of electromagnetic resonance’s and then to place yourself onto those thought forms to create an interactive reality with who ever else is there and familiar with your scope of projection. REM dreams are another such vehicle.

    When we have graduated from this planetary school and are Christ Conscious and working with other planetary soul types that we have been assigned to. We will begin to understand the reasoning behind our current experiences and begin with confidence to aid others with their journeys, to even out the road for those who have begun their own ascent upward. All cultures that are based upon their own higher memories will need to be able to work with others on all levels of those particular planes for the upliftment of all who desire it. This is why it is so important for all to recall why we are here. It is also important to know that which is being passed on to you is in place for you now to begin your own individual ascent through the ascension or resurrection process.

     This is the most profound school in this universe. Not only as evolving souls aspiring to do what has only been accomplished once, but as that of a planet ascending dimensionally. It has only happened on an individual basis before and not as a combined ascent. The hearts and love of many are pulling for us to complete the arduous climb up this last section of the ladder. Just one or two more rungs and we will slip onto the next level of dimensional life, which may for some be considered heaven or paradise. The universe knows how we have struggled alone, without memory, separated from all that we know and love. It also is here to confirm such valued commitment for the higher good.

    That we are all galactic citizens should always be remembered in the coming times. As we approach the completion of this particular round or cycle many new faces as well as types of peoples will make themselves known to us. They are not any better than any of us and that discernment must be developed to see us through some of the mazes that will be presented to us. Intuition, heart song as well developing our inner sight and hearing will lead us to the other side. Reconnection with the soul to allow us to develop these wonderful forgotten parts of ourselves is one of the first things that must be accomplished.

    The future is very bright for those who stay long and finish that which was started all these millions of years ago. It is not without the inherent dangers of those who do not believe this can be done to attempt to sidetrack or to directly try to cause it to all fail, through their own incomplete sense of the planned completion This I will stress very often, that this planet is very special as well as unique in the entire Universe. We are all on center stage and the orchestra now warming up. Many may not graduate from this course; they will find other opportunities to use this training to good use in other ways in other parts of the realms. As a Soul, we remember everyone that we have had the pleasure to share  a lifes experience with and no matter what dimension or reality we go through the memory is and will always stay with us. For those of you who are reading this will begin to coexist with your higher self soon and begin to rediscover what you have been asked to put aside all those years ago.

    The Earth after her ascension is to become a great learning center for education, racial upliftment, planetary cultures, and personality development. Caring for all the varied life forms residing on a single globe is much more difficult than we at our present stage of development can perceive. When called upon to mix and blend life forms and new fields of learning expertise with sub planes and interwoven dimensions, the efforts are unbelievable and there are no margins for error or simply walking away from and starting something new. Service to source is the difference in our higher aspects lifes path and the scope of life we currently can perceive. Service to the all is what is going to lift us up on to those higher realms.

     Some will stay and be great lecturers who passed through this great upliftment; others will move back to their native star clusters and anchor the new cosmic energy for their family and friends. Others will travel on to newly created worlds or those whose upliftment is past due and are facing the same difficulties we are passing through now. Service to the one and the all is unlimited. We are going to be the most sought after group of ascending souls this or any other universe has ever known. Are you ready to consciously continue that cosmic journey?

    These writings like all that have come before, are part of an ongoing attempt at reestablishing our conscious memory. Language is often used as a platform to convey controlled visual images that will then begin a symbolic detonating device to shock our higher selves (Personality) into remembering its purpose here and to impress upon it the growing sense of urgency to reestablish its focus with its higher objectives. We as individuals are now beginning to find those light switches and are being led to understand all of their uses.

   So while we are waiting for the next available ship to stop and offer us their services lets continue on this path that we find ourselves on and see where it might lead us to. 


Copyright: Avalon Pacifica & Michael Macklin

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