She takes you aside and calls you her own
Yet as the seasons change you find yourself again alone
Such an empty and lonely feeling you have grown within
Yet as you gaze through the veil again you pause to reflect
Ever aware of the shadows we seem to collect.
Struggling along always wanting and wishing for an end
Yet finding existence is always feeling somehow frail and thin
Begging all who hear, for a better way to share the days gone by
We are always well met with advise that always seems to go awry
Weak in our faith yet noble in mind do we continue the search
Only to find ourselves again cast out
To dream within the dream of finding again the portal through which we pass
To return again to that which swept us out onto our paths
Love and light so great and wonderful a steed
Come forth and bear us back to where we have so little need
To rise up and be counted as one again shows
Again to all what faith there is in the Plan
Always shall the sun shine upon our Hearts so bright
So that when we are called upon to begin again
We gather about us life renewed with clearer sight.
Michael S. Macklin /Avalon Pacifica