Interpret Your Rays Using Astrology

Mae R Wilson-Ludlum

Published By: American Federation of Astrologers, Inc.

ISBN: 0-86690-033-9



 The following charts and definitions come from Mae R Wilson-Ludlum’s book  “Interpret Your Rays Using Astrology.” The author has a number of other astrology-based publications. If you click on the link at the end of the piece, you will be taken to a site where you may purchase her wonderful work.



Soul Rays


Birth time

Ray 1

Ray 2

Ray 3

Ray 4

Ray 5

Ray 6

Ray 7


3:30A to 6:55A









6:55A to 10:45A









10:45A to 1:40P









1:40P to 5:05P









5:05P to 8:40P









8:40P to Midnight









Midnight to 3:30A










Personality Rays





6:55AM to 10:45AM




10:45AM to 1:40 PM




1:40 PM  to 5:05 PM




5:05PM   to 8:40 PM












3:30 AM  to    6:55 AM







First-Ray:  WILL/Purpose


   The esotericism knows that all of man's bodies will die of one after another: the physical, the etheric, the astral, the mental, the causal, and various other bodies incorporated into man's makeup; East to be replaced, all LOVE leer still with a richer life. Over and over comes death and resurrection. Each year spring reminds us through its embodiment, so descriptive and this visual splendor. We have been told that, during his second coming, Christ will turn away a man's fear of death and will make him aware of the bondage in which is temple itself. The death comes before new life on every plane; it is final only if accepted as such. Secrecy how each one of us must cleanse our consciousness and that the fixations of death.


   The first-ray instills the life impulse with the fighting quality, which the individual knows is bestowed from the highest source. For him no task is too great. He has assessed his talents and recognized his leadership abilities. Regardless of setbacks, his determination is unyielding. He carries on despite all obstacles. He digests each experience as a lesson. He has the strength to attain, to Concord, because he is preconditioned to accept his own creative potential. He stimulated by adversity. As he sees it, his will is the will of his God.


   The first ray is the energy of the true occultists. It is the ray of God the Father. In the face of death, it provides the will to defy it, in fact to defy all limitation. Here we have an inwardly directed ray, as are also the second and third rays. Through this intensified energy National, International, an intergalactic affairs are willed. However, First ray energy we are receiving now has been subdued since its original force was released. Under the focus of this will-purpose, energy the first-ray man strives to begin. His is the will to make manifest. It is a dominant ray where initiation comes into play.


   Aries (initiative), Leo (will-purpose), and Capricorn (mystery of life) are the assigned triad. Beneficial will and is the sacred planet, its virtue been will power. The world master and the master Morya overrule the first ray. It is the will to do, the will to be, spiritual it’s outpouring. Spiritually and materially, the purpose is it as one



Second Ray: Love/Wisdom


   With the second ray focusing through your chart you can move out from the thoughts of self to an all-inclusive consciousness--in love and loving life. LOVE expressed wisely brings the consciousness to its full breath of expansion. One strives for unity, a will to synthesize and to blend for attracting purposes. We liken this ray energy to molding ESSENCE that brings the unmanifest into creation. It is entirely plausible energy, natural in that the second ray man does not need to trot. This ray is cohesive and one which, when fully absorbed in the consciousness of humanity, will allow the line and the lamb to lie side by side. It is the energy of the true psychic. The second ray receiver can conceive mental seeds of revisions of the future and in doing so, has the inherent power to attract them.


   Under the second ray of focus, the attracting ideal is one of universal love. There is a sense of oneness, which manifest on the individual level through cooperation and generosity. This man's motive in life is that that of being the cosmic servant who teaches and heals, and who counsels his own. So intensely, this you wish to relieve the woes of the world. Loyalty and WISDOM are partners make up. To him life and love are synonymous. What he does, he does for the good of a whole, so tied to his brother and is he. Contemplating the symbology, we see a man on the Cross suffered crucifixion, then to selfless love she overcomes, therefore enjoy in the resurrection as did Jesus. The second ray man shares his lofty experience the others may learn; in what is beautiful is how he encourages others, loving them through all adversity.


   Here is the ray of God the son of under which the pen is mightier than the sword. You are here to will and to love, and it is what you decide to love that releases is the attracting force. The responsibilities are yours to serve. Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces form the Transmitting triad. Its sacred planet is Jupiter. MASTERS Kuthumi and Djwhal Khul serve as guiding lords. Buddha reigns supreme. Through the second ray, we learn how WISDOM is born of perfect love.



Third Ray: Active Intelligence


   Unlike the other rays, the third, we are told, is naturally conditioned into the brain matter and is a will energy by stimulation. It energizes the mental process and is the ray that brings forth the Holy Spirit. Here we have the magical will that urges man on to more rapid progress through the evolutionary process by way of adaptability. It is a tactful energy. With the third ray, one is willing to be what one is through what life can offer in the way of experience. The man highly affected by Active Intelligence is flexible in his goal setting and is manipulative and communicative as well.


   Under the focusing of the third, we find a path for the disciple who except what is, regardless. Here we have the drive towards education and progress for evolutionary reasons a drive for knowledge and the willingness to believe without tangible proof. As part of the self-serving and adaptability, symbology is absorbed and sorted everything experienced leads to accumulated wisdom. Incentives for growth are at the core of Active Intelligence. Without a doubt, in this writer's mind the many mental pursuits, ESP included, are stimulated into this ray. We believe is said of stimulus to be the main key words here. Far clearer now for our comprehension our incentive (positive response) and excitement- (negative response). One incentive is activated, a reasonable goal is actively stimulated; all the workings of intelligence are set into motion.


   Under the third ray of the thinker, life and thought are synonymous. Understanding abounds as to fundamental principles of life; this is a core of Abstract INTELLIGENCE, of limitless creative ideation. Through great capacity as a tactician one is able to deal with the various principles of life, so fertile is his comprehension. A man born prepared is the archetype of this third ray. To him truth is God, and God is truth. Here we are have a provoker of men. He sends those less learned into avenues of which they thought themselves incapable; and this he accomplishes by encouraging them to work individually on their own so speak. The third ray is the ray of the philosopher, the astrologer, and the intermediary. We get a good idea of the fertile potential of ideation, for it is the energy attracting the secrets of the Holy Spirit. The ability to concentrate is enormous. The third ray man will withdraw into himself to nourish the thoughts he is confident he will find their awaiting his creative release.


   The Cardinal signs of cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are the designated triad for the third ray of Active Intelligence Saturn is the sacred planet. The Venetian Chohan presides over its affairs. It is the will to be intelligent and a radiant outpouring for creative and constructive use.



Fourth Ray: Harmony through Conflict


   All of life in every expectation is laced with death. Death it is the fulfillment one-step closer to perfection. Through the fourth ray flow the seeds of death, allowing a release back to the original unit. Through the fourth, there is a finishing up to begin again, but in a different way. Ponder if you will the rosebush striving to grow under all sorts of conditions, reaching its potentially perfect state, and then the seeds of death or the devolution stage sets in. These seeds of death, though, do not necessarily mean this excessive repetition of the same acts. The esotericist knows that unless he wills it death cannot occur. Death is announced by a surge of intuition-- from divine will to the individual will, from Soul to personality to monad. The monad decides, and the ego obediently responds. What is death anyway but a passing on to another state.


   When soul and spirit (Sun) are fused, the reward is intuition -- the highest expression of the fourth ray. Intuition is a frequency between one's soul and the divine spirit. By learning to lubricate the linking thread with a conscious effort towards spirituality, the supernormal faculty of INTUITION begins to flow freely. Under the fourth ray, which divides the inward and outward rays, we have the causes of conflict. Out of the balancing for harmony, a Trinity is satisfied; a new conflict erupts. Under the fourth ray, if one has achieved harmony through their limitations (self-set), the individual can master himself; he wills his limitations away. Always there is the confrontation between life, the crux of all there is, and the accepted limitations. This includes all the kingdoms of God. Remember, we are dealing here with a dominant ray for evolution. At the very moment harmony is achieved by intuitive acceptance, it creates the point of endings, of no return--the seeds of death. When this step of evolution has been completed, it is replaced with another cause for conflict.


   When dealing with a fourth ray (and for matter the fifth, sixth, and seventh as well) the Holy Spirit aspect of the mighty Trinity is the underlying factor. Under the fourth ray, life and harmony are one and the same. More than any of the others, here the individual feels encumbered in earthly form. This is the impulse of the artist, for out of perfect stillness the creative imagination knows no bounds. He needs mental quietude if he is to enjoy insight. The bridge (antahkarana) between the higher and lower self is recognized and utilized through this soul type. Here we find creative darkness before the light; but once that light is seen, there is naught but beauty for those who see all as it was truly meant to be, Godly and good. Nothing is more beautiful than nature; this the artist recognizes. Every effort is veined with beauty. The fourth ray motivates the dreamers who seek perfect expression. It is the resting ray between the first, second, and third rays--inwardly seeking and self-reliant--and the fifth, sixth, and seventh--expressing rays dependant on outer conditions. The fourth ray is the connecting will energy that manifests harmony and beauty between the ensouling first, second, and third rays, and forming a fifth, sixth, and seventh. This striving for beauty energy is the balancing impulse between the three pairs of opposites of rays, the first and seventh, the second and sixth, and the third and fifth.


    In the life of the individual motivated by the fourth ray only, beauty, Lovelessness, peace, and light are nourishment for his soul. Having a wide breadth of vision and versatility to spare, he can master many things. He can provide a link to what ever or whom ever needs it.


   Assigned triad is Taurus, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Mercury is the sacred planet. The master server Serapis controls its outpourings. Humanity itself is under the fourth ray. It is the will to annihilate dissonance.



Fifth Ray: Concrete Knowledge/Science


   Common sense and the ability to see matters clearly comes under the focus of this fiery and challenging fifth ray. Challenging because through its intense energy from man competes for nature's secrets. Predominantly mental, the fifth is the first of the outwardly directed rays, the will energy for developing understanding. It is the energy not only for accumulating knowledge, but also for projecting it for universal reasons and the good of mankind. A striving for accuracy is easy to detect. Under the focus of this ray, humanity is stirred to the activity for maximum creative development, which includes discoveries of all sorts.


   The fifth is the most fruitful of all the rays. By virtue of the fifth one develops his individual brand of synthesis of whatever experience and knowledge have been accumulated. In some way, he develops his personal method of mental usefulness. Hereunder he stirred to scientific activity with the willingness to complete what ever he begins. Born a fifth soul or personality ray promises an abundance of unmanifest understanding, just waiting to be tapped. We learned of the trusting drive for Abstract knowledge under the third ray focus; and the fifth Ray there is a thirst to acquire knowledge, but must be factually proven. Doubt is a prodding stimulus here.


   It is possible to balance spirit and matter. Spiritualizing atoms so they mold into forms is a fifth Ray universal reason. This ray provided the will energy they carry the kingdoms of God through the traumatic switchover from the Piscean to the Aquarian age. We speak here specifically about the 12-year transitional period leading up to the beginning of the age of Aquarius in 1983. The fifth Ray will subside in its strength at the turn of the century after the end of its stepped-up period of intensification. This will be when the fever for discovery is cyclically completed by agreement of its Lord with the ray’s guardian master. We have been illuminated to the following: as Neptune moves into Aquarius, a chosen one (master) will, among us to pave the way for still another who will follow, bringing in new part of the circlet of universal truth to the attention of mankind. Yes, John the Baptist will return in service to the Christ once more.


Under the third ray, the impulse for is for intangible knowledge such as astrology; but under the fifth the motivation is for scientific knowledge of the tangible nature, such as astronomy, medicine, or law. The mentality is analytical and thorough; there is the power to demonstrate what is learned and the desire to use what has been discovered. Logic is the God of the fifth Ray individual, and there is sometimes a lack of adaptability to overcome, which is the virtue of the third or opposite ray man. Therefore, with his scientific energy the individual is somewhat rigid in his course of action. However, he is brilliant, capable of accurate deductions, quick acting, and excellent with detail. Here we have the specialist, the physical scientist, who must eventually move full circle into the realms of the metaphysical. The manmade dimension of time is a fifth Ray creation.


    Along with the sixth and seventh, the fifth Ray is an extroverted energy, the impulse dominated the mental body. Under the fifth Ray, then, we have the wealth of understanding, which necessarily must precede initiation. We refer here to the Spiritual tests, leveling in their effects, which opened the gates of initiation that lead to a higher level of consciousness. Discipleship is attained under this ray of knowledge, and it is the Master Hilarion who presides over it.


   Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius are reassigned Spiritual Sign triad. These also provide mankind with the chief characteristics involved with the evolution of consciousness. Venus is the sacred planet. It provides the will to uncover secrets, thus to gain understanding.



Sixth Ray: Devotion/Idealism


Under the sixth ray, man is a living spark of Idealism, born a devoted receiver for the needs of others. Each year to perform duties not necessarily his to except--for some reason others are able to fully respond or perform--this call six servant (we will speak of the highest potential) lives in a constant stated devoted preparation. We now see whatever conflicts with his energy patterns; he will not be talked into what does not come naturally, even at the risk of seeming unorthodox. Here is a ray of maximum energy although it is not heavy in the physical sense. Since it arrives as a vibration so high it is difficult to embrace, the average man may very well waste this potent energy. The negative tendency is then to avoid responsibility or to procrastinate the lesson to masters taught to excitant eagerness of the heart, which must accompany any selfless act. This is a ray of devotion to an ideal, however there is a negative side, in impulse of to recognize. It has a Martian Vibration; therefore, it is a notable attractor of war and conflict. Man usually reacts to the negative side of most vibrations first, it be easier path in the short run.


Under the second ray, Fox are seated, while the opposite or sixth-ray man is a projector of thought forms created specifically for the common good or at the request of dollars. His life is pure is aura becomes radiant.


   The sixth ray allows no isolation except for purposes of preparation for a step up in evolution and the social affairs of humanity. “We (he is at one with God) can help, therefore we are in devoted service,characterizes his thinking. He sets his desires aside and strives to become the cause for others. Once on the path, he devotes itself to a spiritual commitment intense and unalterable in direction. Identification teaches him the importance of synthesis and the power of will.


   Under the sixth ray, the individual leaves the either/or realm and finds the light in the middle of the path. With fiery enthusiasm, he gets behind others, projecting his efforts for their progress. Once committed to a cause he is faithful to the end. His Idealism is practically spent. So ardent is his single purpose that he has the power to invoke response in others.


   The sixth ray is very much the individual expression of second. Both are full of Devotion. To some the Master Jesus appeared to be a revolutionary; He was rejected by many. However, later he became and remains a symbolic cause for devotion.


    The under the second ray the individual experiences union with the one pervading life; under the sixth ray one feels unity with a common cause. The lesson learned here is one arising out of dissatisfaction; choices made out of dissatisfaction nourish the ideal. Feelings of the sixth ray man are controlled; and they are funneled directly in behalf of the purpose. Devotion is his God; devotion to his purpose is his fulfillment. Sixth ray love manifests as fiery enthusiasm. It is personified in the evangelist, the Saint, and the loving parent. Once the sixth ray man's enthusiasm is aroused, he is able to see naught but the positive. Here we have the impulse dominating the astral body.

   The sixth ray transmits its energy through the Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces triad. Its sacred planet is Neptune, which does not really belong to our solar system but supplies us with an extraordinary gift sorely needed for the next advance of mankind. Through it, we learn to feel that we may see farther. Jesus is the master of the sixth ray.



Seventh Ray: Ceremonial/ Order


   Fading now is the often-impulsive sixth ray of Christianity as seventh ray gradually begins to influence mankind--an influence we are told can be traced to the lost continent of ATLANTIS. Under this heavy physical ray, the battle to join spirit with matter is waged; hence, it is a sensual ray, the one attached to sex and procreation. It is largely responsible for the mass meditation movement and for man becoming more service-minded. Through human will combine with divine grace regeneration is achieved. Simply the seventh ray Provides and facilitates for the coming age.


   Under this ray, a man may tread the path of initiation. Here there is a focalizing on opposites, on polarity, and on the fusing of the masculine and feminine into one throughout all of creation. Truly, it is a ray for the new order insisting on decency and human rights, assuring all men freedom from mental harassment to become what they are to be. Focusing through a strong horoscope the seventh ray man can become a mediator between humanity and the hierarchy of brotherhoods--white or black. Its sensual aspect is part of the reason it attracts one towards magic, a rituals, spiritual and occult movements. This ray is conducive to the earthbound affairs, doing things the hard way, spiritual transformation, exerting the physical being, and some scientific research. Under this ray, one realizes his place in the universal scheme, recognizing and accepting those relationships with whom his destiny is entwined. Seventh ray will energy strives for neatness and order, for beautification throughout dealing experiences.


   On the average level is Saturnian-type energy. Foundations are laid under its focus; there are instigating seeds and the ease with which to spread them for a new age growth. It is where the willed idea meets with divinity and becomes manifest. It is where the will fuses soul and personality. We have, then, through the pourings of the seventh ray, the matrix for new-age activity. Divine instruction issues through it. Under the focus of the seventh ray, a man becomes wise and master magician in total control. Nothing happens to him or to his charges without his consent.


   For some occult insight as to the complexity of the seventh ray ponder the Ant community as its citizens ritualistically move about capable of extraordinary heavy physical feats. They function within a complex social organization, following their inclinations as impelled from above. Notice how they express a constant order throughout the colony, each member knowing its place.


   Under the seventh ray the man functions very well in a group, as opposed to the first Ray man who functions best alone. The two rays are opposites. The first is the Alpha or beginning the seventh is the Omega or the end. In the highest state, through attention to minute detail and method, the individual transforms himself into a person with total control of his hidden forces. In doing so, he then learns to control nature's forces. Through diverse faculties, he becomes skilled at cooperating with invisible intelligences. He is a lover order and believes that if you do a thing it should be with the whole of your being; he knows nature looks away from halfway measures. Here we have a Group Member involved for specific training, an etheric maneuverer, one loving pomp and ceremony, a magician with interpretive prowess. His reason for being is to become a spiritual magician.


   The Seventh ray impulse affects the physical body. Attuning to the silence within himself, he hears the rhythm of the whole universe. For the seventh ray, Aries, cancer, and Capricorn are the assigned triad, and Uranus of occult light is the sacred planet. The Comte de St. Germain is Chohan. It provides the will to control the etheric forces and their motion.










How you choose to express your ray is often described by your sub-ray; it determines your individual choice or path within the energy demands of your rays impulses. You may be a fourth ray artist with a sixth sub-ray, and then your works would reflect fiery devotion to a cause. Bear in mind the average man react more often to the undesirable or negative aspects of the rays, to the vices rather than the virtues. But that is what life is all about, the overcoming for progress, leaving inharmony behind to seek potential.


Each ray has seven subdivisions beginning with its own and continuing there from in numerical sequence. Hence, whatever your soul and personality rays may be, you are being subjectively impinged with their sub rays as well. The sub ray is the path you will take.


Each time frame holds approximately 3 1/2 hours which, when divided by 7 allows 30 minutes or less for each sub-ray. Remember each of the time frames of vary in its line of demarcation. It is such a subtle happening as one refinishes and another begins, likewise as the sub rays slip away. When you divide the time frame of your ray, if your Birth time is within a few minutes of the division, it may be necessary to meditate for divine acknowledgement as to which one you come under.


Example: born 4:10 A M on a Jupiter Thurs, the individual is a seventh personality ray in the second subdivision, or first sub-ray of the seventh ray, therefore the subjective path would be one of leadership ability (first- ray) within the impulse of the seventh of Ceremonial order. The potential, then, maybe to become either a bishop or a movie producer, according to the nativity. Using the same example, the soul ray is a third of Active Intelligence and the second subdivision, or the fourth sub-ray of the third; therefore, the souls growth depends on how the individual handles conflict and preserves harmony while transforming his life through the understanding gained. An artistically adaptable intellect would be the expression. After finding your sub rays, read those interpretations also.


Succinctly, each ray is composed of seven sub-rays beginning with its own, following through in numerical sequence. One can be born under one ray and feel the added intensity of the sub-ray as well. If a man were born in, third sub-ray of the second soul ray he could well be an astrology teacher. Teaching is an impulse of the second ray; astrology and interpretation are associated with the third. We have divided the seven time zones for convenience. Begin counting with your ray following sequence until you reach your birth time







          Subdivisions of The Rays(EST Time Zone)












6:55am to    10:45

6:55       to      7:28

7:28      to            8:01

8:01      to      8:34

8:24      to      9:07

9:07      to      9:40

9:40      to     10:12

10:12     to    10:45

10:45am        to      1:40 pm

10:45         to     11:10

11:10     to     11:35

11:35     to    12:00

12:00    to    12:25

12:25    to    12:50

12:50    to       1:15

1:15       to      1:40

1:40pm  to      5:05pm

1:40      to      2:09

2:09      to      2:38

2:38       to      3:07

3:07              to      3:37

3:37      to       4:06

4:06      to        4:36              

4:36      to             5:05  

5:05pm to       8:40pm

5:05       to      5:36

5:36      to      6:07

6:07      to      6:38

6:38      to      7:08

7:08      to      7:38

7:38      to      8:09

8:09      to      8:40  

8:40pm to   midnight

8:40      to       9:09

9:09      to      9:38

9:38      to    10:07

10:07    to    10:35

10:35    to     11:04

11:04     to      11:32

11:32     to  midnight

12:00am to  3:30am

12:00       to    12:30

12:30    to      1:00

1:00      to      1:30

1:30      to      2:00

2:00      to      2:30

2: 30     to      3:00

3:00      to      3:30

3:30am to 6:55am

3:30      to      3:59

3:59      to      4:28

4:28      to      4:58

4:58      to      5:28

5:28      to      5:58

5:58      to      6:27

6:27      to      6:55










                                   Daily Transiting Ray Table























3:30 AM    to  6:55 AM









6:55 AM    to 10:45 AM









10:45 AM   to 1:40 PM









1:40 PM     to 5:05 PM









5:05 PM    to

8:40 PM









8:40 PM  to MIDNIGHT











First Ray-POWER


First-rate is beneficial for matters in dealing with the 40, for continuing well as previously started, for keeping things going, for signing important documents, for taking the initiative, for catching up on communications, for finishing matters previously started, for writing all wines and reports, for following retained, and for planning and chronological order. Where you exert WILL, you can find a way. Wait for another Ray if affairs involve husbandry, and will dealings, surgery, sex, short JOURNEYS, or matters requiring spiritual interpretation.



Second Ray-LOVE


Second ray is beneficial for making others happy, for all Earthly matters, music, entertainment, and advancement of material issues, buying, selling, animal affairs, new beginnings, creativity, short JOURNEYS, taking a risk (speculation) its sympathetic reactions. Hold off from taking long journeys. Spread good will.



Third Ray-Thought


The third ray is beneficial for quiet thinking, all sorts of Communications, writing, editing, casting charts, talking, researching, maneuvering, interpreting, coming and going, and tending to health-related matters. Be cautious were timing is a factor. Wait if you feel you may be talking to something against your will. Avoid competition and adversaries during this time; a good time for Mercury matters.



Fourth Ray- Beauty


For three is beneficial for Mars and water-sign matters, for cutting, pruning, surgery, handling universal affairs, uncovering truth and beauty, fantasizing, shipping and mailing, straighten matters out, for metaphysics, meditation, Spiritual unfoldment, and sequential writing. Way for new beginnings, Personal Communications (letters and such), signing legal documents, taking risks and gambling.



Fifth RayKnowledge


Fifth Ray is beneficial for almost everything. Expect fruitful results, favors granted, and cooperation. However, negative results are possible with there is too much attention or when the urge is to break out and destroy. It is a good time to release tensions, to buy something pleasant, to take a walk or ride in order to recapture perspective. Creative efforts are blessed. The impulse is good for new starts and for those projects that take time. Libra and Capricorn matters are benefited.



Sixth RayDevotion


Sixth ray is beneficial for matters promising improvement for getting cooperative ASSISTANCE, for including others or making room for them, for pushing others of front, assisting others in the pursuits, for social and recreational affairs, and visiting gambling casinos. Drive defensively, we to confront seventh and 12th House figures.



Seventh ray--Order


Seventh ray is beneficial for scientific analysis, hoary ASTROLOGY, and the physical undertakings, the competition, sports, cleaning, renovations, all things that must be done the hard way; for matters needing fertility, becoming pregnant, for sensual affairs, matters dealing with physical appearance, we gain and loss. Be careful of your physical person; heavy work leads to accidents. 




Interpret Your Rays Using Astrology

Mae R Wilson-Ludlum

Published By: American Federation of Astrologers, Inc.

ISBN: 0-86690-033-9


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