Elohim: Hercules
Divine Complement: Amazon
Chohan/Master: El Morya
Archangel: Michael
Day: Sunday
Color of Ray: Red
Color of Light: Blue
Quality of Ray: Protection, Power, Will, and Initiative
This is the Ray of Divine Will; it clears the way and deconstructs old forms or ways to make room for the new. It is the feminine characteristic of the Father/Spirit aspect of the Divine being. It is a very powerful, forceful energy and can be found expressing throughout humanity in fields of leadership, politics, government, and business and in the power of the warrior. It gives one the characteristics of determination, drive, leadership as well as an overall robust physical presence and energy.
The First Ray energy that of the Will, is very useful for moving to situations where you feel stuck either through apathy, lack of energy, lack of vision or intent.
To enhance this energy, visualize your will made into a red ladder, and climbing out of the depression or out rung by rung.
To dilute the intensity of the Red Ray, see yourself being in a tube filled with a stream of red light being separated and being in filled with that of pink or white lighted energy. You may enhance your physical energy or presence by standing in a beam or flame of red light. Use this in moderation full-time of being intensely self-willed is passing out of fields and experience.
This Ray like all the other Rays is taken in by all the Chakras and is focused primarily in the Root Chakra which is our connection to physicality. (See Chakras)
The First-Ray energy, which is usually is depicted as red, is very dynamic, very thrusting. It is the beginning of much. It is the means by which you advance into new territory. Many leaders have this aspect of self; leadership is a Ray one tendency, well developed. It is also the Will Ray, whether you consider it the personal Will or, later, the Divine Will. This Ray, when misused creates much trouble in the world. It is present in the negative connotation during war---a great deal of it is greatly misused. The Rays are energy: We must use them productively. Each one has its positive and also its negative ways of views as well as of use. The First Ray can be misused rather easily. It does not take a lot Ray one energy to be very powerful. It is a Ray that is most powerful.
This Ray has one very positive use. When something is running away--when a situation is out of control--there is a tendency to just allowed to keep flowing. It needs to be ended, but it has been allowed to go on; there has been an allowing beyond the appropriate point. In this situation, bringing in the first ray, with its qualities of discernment, is appropriate. It can limit a situation that has been allowed to just go pass the appropriate point. It can discipline the situation. When raising children you must discipline them, you must not let them just function in their own method, in their own often inappropriate behavior. Sometimes a limitation is placed on a child in order to bring the behavior back into balance. It is not inappropriate to bring a situation back into balance. There can be too much restriction, also. The allowing of the situation goes into play there, to balance the limitation. Everything must be brought into perfect balance upon the earth, within itself, in all creation. Ray one energy balances the unlimited extension of the situation that has gone passed its appropriate point.
The individualized spirit expresses itself through the various Ray types in the following manner: -
The longing for power and authority.
Desire to dominate. Express strength and self-willed.
Leading to if brought into higher expression
A dynamic use of energy for the furtherance of the plan.
The use of destructive forces in order to prepare the way for the builders.
The Will to power in order to co- operate.
Power realized as the major weapon of love.
Identification with the rhythm of the whole.
Ray Qualities
There is much of practical usefulness to the reader in a study of these qualities. When one believes themselves to be upon a particular Ray, they will indicate to him some of the characteristics for which one may look, and perhaps demonstrate to them what one has to do, what one has to express, in what one has to over come. These qualities should be studied from two angles: their divine aspect in their reverse aspect or the form side. (The fifth) ray, for instance, is shown to be the revealer of the way, and it should be remembered therefore that this fifth Ray reveals the way down into death or into incarnation (which is the death-like prison of the soul), or it reveals the way up and out of darkness into the pure light of God’s day. I mention this, as I am exceedingly anxious that all who read this treatise should make application of this teaching to their daily lives. I am not interested in imparting weird or unusual items of information anent these matters for the delectation of an unhealthy mental appetite. The stocking of the memory with occult detail which serves no useful purpose only strains, the brain cells and feeds the pride.
It will be apparent to you how the lower and the higher expressions of a Ray are closely related to each other and how easily the higher loses its hold and a lower comes into manifestation-something that evolution itself must eventually adjust.
The First Ray of Will or Power
Strength, courage, steadfastness, truthfulness arising from absolute fearlessness, power of ruling, capacity to grasp the great questions in a large-minded way, and handling men and measures.
Pride, ambition, willfulness, hardness, arrogance, desire to control others, obstinacy, anger.
Tenderness, humility, sympathy, tolerance, patience.
This has been spoken of as the real power, and this correctly so called, but if it were power alone, without wisdom and love, a destructive and disintegrating force would results. When however the three characteristics are united, it becomes a creative and governing Ray. Those on this Ray have strong Will power, for either good or evil, for the former When the Will is directed by Wisdom and made selfless by love. The first Ray person will always " come to the front " in their own line. They may be the burglar or the judge who condemns him, but in either case, he will be at the head of this profession. He is the born leader in any and every public career, one to trust and lean on, one to defend the weak and put down the oppression, fearless of consequences and utterly indifferent to comment. On the other hand, an unmodified first Ray can produce a man of relenting cruelty and hardness of nature.
It is easy for First-Ray people to resist the tendency to identify themselves with others. To have true understanding involves an increased ability to love all beings and yet, at the same time, to preserve personality detachment. This detachment can be so easily found through an inability to love, in a selfish concern for one's own comfort-physical, mental, spiritual, and most of all, emotional. First Ray people dread emotion and despise it, but sometimes they have to swing into an emotional condition before they can use emotional sensitivity in the right manner.
Elohim: Cassiopea
Divine Counterpart: Minerva
Chohan/Master: Maitreya, Christ, Kuthumi, Djwhal Khul, Lanto
Archangel: Jophiel
Day: Monday
Color of Ray: Blue
Color of Light: Sunshine Yellow
Quality of Ray: Illumination, Wisdom, Perception
Most of the physical spiritual teachers/masters are focused through the second ray. The Buddha embodied the wisdom aspect and Christ the love principle. Most of those who feel called to spirituality come from a teaching focus are expressing the Second Ray on the Soul level.
The higher mental conceptual manifested areas are reached through this Ray. The universal mind can be connected and entered by means of this wonderful blue presence. One is able to reach into the mind realms to bring back uplifting concepts to be shared in this our physical realm. It also is able to be done by anyone who wishes to bring it forth in different shades to attract the many who benefit by the exposure.
It has been said that the Earth is on the Second Ray. According to Djwhal Khul, our Earth receives a major Second Ray from a higher source, and after that Second Ray hits the Earth, it divides into an additional seven rays. Every Ray that we then receive is really part of the Second Ray energies and it is stronger because it comes from this main Second Ray source.
The Second Ray can be used productively by visualizing either blue or pink. By simply feeling or visualizing yourself, your surroundings, or any situation bathed in these colors, you can uplift the vibrations and the experiential values to a higher more harmonious level. Pink is held to more expressive of the feminine love aspect and the blue of a masculine wisdom, integrated and intertwined with each other, never one without the other. Often times negative situations can be defused by flooding all present in the light of the blue/pink ray.
The Blue Ray is connected and expressed from the Throat Chakra through which higher mental aspects of the Crown and combined with the creative Heart center provide the ultimate in the love/wisdom wheel of energy.
Ray two energies, which are usually thought of as blue in color, are the energies that, through too much allowingness, can go past the appropriate point as in our former example. They balance the harshness that results from the overuse of Ray one energies. Thus, harsh discipline without the love wisdom of the Second Ray is not appropriate either. A balance must be struck between the restrictive qualities of the First Ray--limitation--and the allowingness of the Second Ray. They naturally balance each other out.
This great Second Ray, when used appropriately, is the Love/Wisdom Ray. The great teachers of the world function on this ray: the Christ, the Buddha and all the great teachers have contained much of this unconditional Divine Universal Love. They have been able to see how to literally raise human kind by applying the Second Ray to a situation. Many times when humanity has reached the point of black despair, this Love/Wisdom Ray has come in the form of a teacher such as the Christ, to aid, to light, and to raise the situation.
The higher mental-conceptual areas are also reached through this Ray the Universal mind can be entered by means of this beautiful Blue Ray. You can obtain the greater mental concepts by way of you reaching into the Universal mind, if you stretch out to reach them. Thus, when a great concept is placed in this universal area by teachers--the Spiritual hierarchy--those who are able to stretch out it can receive it, and thus a great idea may be received in several areas of the world at once by the advanced. To manage this they can reach up via the Second Ray and obtain this information. When you can conceptualize as well as visualize, then you can stretch out to obtain it. This Ray has been used productively for the most part (though each Ray has its negative connotations also) to age of vanity. That is productive use of this great Ray
The individualized Spirit expresses itself through the various Ray types in the following manner:
Ray Two
The power to build for selfish ends.
Capacity to sense the whole and to remain apart.
The cultivation of a separative Spirit.
Realization of selfish desire.
Longing for material well-being.
Selfishness and subordination of all Soul powers to this end.
Leading to if brought into higher expression
Building wisely, in relation to the plan.
The longing for wisdom and truth.
Renunciation of the great heresy of separativeness.
The revelation of the light.
Right speech through generated Wisdom.
There is much of practical usefulness to the reader in a study of these qualities. When one believes themselves to be upon a particular Ray, they will indicate to them some of the characteristics for which they may look, and perhaps demonstrate to him what he has to do, what he has to express, and what he has to overcome. These qualities should be studied from two angles: their divine aspect and their reverse aspect or the form side. (The fifth)Ray, for instance, is shown to be the reveler of the Way, and it should be remembered therefore that this Fifth Ray reveals the way down into death or into incarnation (which is the death-like prison of the soul), or it reveals the way up and out of darkness into the pure light of God's day. I mention this, as I am exceedingly anxious that all who read this treatise should make application of this teaching to their daily lives. I am not interested in imparting weird or unusual items of information anent these matters for the delectation of an unhealthy mental appetite. The stocking of the memory with occult detail which serves no useful purpose only strains, the brain cells and feeds the pride.
It will be apparent to you how the lower and the higher expressions of a Ray are closely related to each other and how easily the higher loses its hold and a lower comes into manifestation-something that evolution itself must eventually adjust.
Calm, strength, patience and endurance, love of truth, faithfulness, intuition, clear intelligence, and serene temper.
Over-absorption in study, coldness, indifference to others, contempt of mental limitations in others.
Love, compassion, unselfishness, energy.
This is called the ray of wisdom from its characteristic desire for pure knowledge and for absolute truth -- cold and selfish, if without love, and inactive without power. When both power and love are present, then you have the ray of the Buddhas and of all the great teachers of humanity, --those who, having attained wisdom for the sake of others, spend themselves in giving it forth. The student on this ray is ever unsatisfied with his highest attainments; a matter how great his knowledge, his mind is still fixed on the unknown, the beyond, and on the heights as yet unscaled.
The Second Ray man will have tact and foresight; he will make an excellent ambassador, and a first-rate teacher or head of a college; as a man of affairs, he will have clear intelligence and wisdom in dealing with matters which come before him, and he will have the capacity of impressing true views of things on others and of making them see things as he does. He will make a good businessman, if modified by the Fourth, Fifth and Seventh rays. The soldier on this ray would plan wisely and foresee possibilities; he would have an intuition as to the best course to pursue, and he would never lead his men into danger through rashness. The artist on this ray would always seek to teach through his art and his pictures would have a meaning. His literary work would always be instructive.
The characteristic method of approaching the path would be by close and earnest study of the teachings till they became so much a part of the man's consciousness as no longer to be merely intellectual knowledge, but a spiritual rule of living, thus bringing in intuition and true wisdom.
A lower type expression of the Second Ray would be bent on acquiring knowledge for himself alone, absolutely indifferent to the human needs of others. The foresight of such a man would degenerate into suspicion, his calmness into coldness and hardness of nature.
The energy of love-Wisdom… always has an effect upon every type of human being in the world. Its effect is to stimulate the tendency towards goodwill and to produce a mental development that can transmute the knowledge garnered down the ages--into Wisdom. It is wisdom which is needed today. Those who are now attempting to foster good will in themselves and others will be stimulated into wise action. You can see, therefore, that the outpouring of this energy is the first and greatest need, it can reach mankind because the Founders of all the world religions (I refer not to their many diversifications) are banded together in unison with the Christ, Their lord and master; through their united and directed effort, these energies will flow. Forget not the Christ represents the energy of love and a Buddha that of wisdom.
Those upon the Second Ray fall… into two groups, generally speaking; there are, naturally, numerous exceptions. Souls on the wisdom aspect of the second ray go to Shamballa and join the Great Council in some capacity or another. Such a one was the Buddha. Those on the love aspect of the Second Ray tread one or other of the various paths, primarily that of the world saviors; they become the divine Psychologists and World Teachers. The Christ combined in himself all these three great traits.
Those in this second group of souls upon the Second Ray likewise fall into two groups: They follow the way of the specialized detail and of a comprehensive inclusiveness, and are the outstanding occultists; the other group is distinguished by pure love. Of the group which finds its way into Shamballa, a developed simplicity will be found to govern all relations.
Simplicity and unity are related; simplicity is one-pointedness of outlook, free from glamour and the intricacies of the thoughtform-making mind; simplicity is clarity of purpose and steadfastness in intention and in effort, untrammeled by questioning and devious introspection; simplicity leads to simple loving, asking nothing in return; simplicity leads to silence -- not silence as an escape mechanism, but as an “occult retention of speech.”
Elohim: Orion
Divine counterpart: Angelica
Chohan/Master: Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey
Archangel: Chamuel
Day of Week: Tuesday
Color of Ray: Yellow/Gold
Color of light: Pink
Quality of Ray: Intellect/Teaching
Ray three is the Ray of Active Intelligence. It is usually perceives as a yellow-gold light, and those who have all lot of it are characterized by an unswerving practicality. They are very persistent, bordering on stubborn, but above all very concretely pragmatic. Germany is a country with a lot of Third Ray influence, as are all of those of Germanic influences. Its effects are obvious in the practical drive of its people. Typically, there is strong organization, but not always clear awareness of the consequences of its actions.
Healers of all types have a great deal of this energy. Coming from this Third Ray energy are the remaining four rays. They are really passed through the Third Ray on their way to manifestation and thus from the, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Rays. This Ray, then, is a means of getting the earth's lessons learned, and to getting accomplished for the Creator, his cosmic plan.
The Third Ray Department is the organizer of a planetary hierarchy. It is the one that " gets it all done, " the third ray people say, " we should organize it this way and this way---and they do it. The third ray is the one who gets it done. They have the energy to bring things together into be depended upon to make sure that all things are collated and finished as well stapled to by the time you come man, and the morning. They are the organizers, whether we are talking about Earth living for our spiritual government.
This Ray is anchored in the Solar Plexus of our Chakra system which is also the anchoring or if you will the focal point of our Soul, emotional body as well as the ego. This ray as well as the Chakra is a pivotal point of the lower three Chakras in the lower triad of the sixth point is star in esoteric teachings. The Third Ray can be used by sending a yellow light to areas of the world you feel would benefit from its organized, practical energy. See the country or area bathed in yellow light and be aware that you are directing the Third Ray Qualities There. To continue the connection of the higher qualities of the Ray pull or connect the colors of the Third and Fourth Ray/Heart Chakra to unite the upper and lower parts of the six-sided star which unites manifested mankind and the Spirit realms of man's ascending evolution.
The Third Ray, usually conceived as being Yellow (although you may go beyond this concepts of colors, if you will) is called the ray of Concrete intelligence. It is a very productive Ray, this certainly is. Many of the great healers of the world have much of the Third Ray now. To me, those upon this ray are more the physical healing. This Ray is a means to gain Earth's lessons learned, to getting accomplished for the Creator is cosmic plan. Is a specific in many ways is to putting together everything for planet Earth is has a practicality that one must the balance is being appropriate in its particular function. This ray there is much of practical usefulness to the reader in a study of these qualities. People who have incarnated on this ray have a great talent for holistic healing and teaching. This is the ultimate use of Third Ray people who have much energy and are always very practical, never too much abstract in their thinking. When you urgently need something done and organized well, ask a Third Ray person to do it for you, it will all be put together and will be a practical application of what you were seeking.
Now, these people are very persistent--You did not hear me say "stubborn," did you? That would not be true of our Third-Ray people; persistent is the word we wish. One point I should probably make here is that through this practical ray and its application it allows the appropriate aid to come through to the Earth at this most important time in your growth as it is with the mother.
The individualized spirit expresses itself through the various Ray types in the following manner:
Force manipulation through selfish desire.
Intelligent use of force with wrong motive.
Intense material and mental activity.
The realization of energy as an end in itself.
Longing for glory, Beauty and for material objects.
Submergence in illusion, glamour, and maya.
Leading to if brought into higher expression
The manipulation of energy in order to reveal beauty and truth.
The use of forces intelligently for the furtherance of the plan.
Ordered rhythmic activity in cooperation with the whole.
Desire for right revelation of divinity and light.
The revelation of glory and goodwill.
Ray Qualities
There is much of practical usefulness to the reader in a study of these qualities. When he believes himself to be upon a particular ray, they will indicate to him some of the characteristics for which he may look, and perhaps demonstrate to him what he has to do, what he has to express, in what he has to overcome. These qualities should be studied from two angles: their divine aspect and the reverse aspect or the form side. (The fifth) ray, for instance, is shown to be the revealer of the way, and it should be remembered therefore that this fifth Ray reveals the way down into death or into incarnation (which is the death like prison of the soul), or reveals the way up and out of darkness into the pure light of God's day. I mention this, as I am exceedingly anxious that all those who read this treatise should make application of these teachings to their daily lives. I am not interested in imparting weird or unusual terms of the information anent these matters for the delectation of an unhealthy mental appetite. The stocking of the memory with occult detail, which serves no useful purpose only strains, the brain cells and feeds the pride.
It will ... be apparent to you how the lower and higher expressions of a Ray are closely related to each other and how easily the higher loses its hold and a lower comes into manifestation--something that evolution itself must eventually adjust.
The Third Ray of Activity and Adaptability
Wide views on all abstract questions, sincerity of purpose, clear intellect, capacity for concentration on philosophical studies, patience, caution, absence of a tendency to worry himself or others over trifles.
Intellectual pride, isolation, in accuracy and details, absent-mindedness, obstinacy, selfishness, over much criticism of others.
Sympathy, tolerance, Devotion, accuracy, energy, and common sense.
This is the ray of the abstract thinker, of the philosopher and metaphysicians, of the man who delights in higher mathematics but who, unless modified by some practical ray would hardly be trouble to keep its accounts accurately. His imaginative faculty will be highly developed, i.e., he can buy the power of his imagination grasp the essence of the truth; his Idealism will often be strong; he is a dreamer and a fear arrest, and from his wide views and great caution he sees every side of a question equally clearly. This sometimes paralyzes his action he will make a good businessman; as a soldier who will work on a problem the tactics that this task, but is seldom great in the field. As an artist his technique is not find but his subjects will be full fought an interest. He will love music, but unless influenced by the fourth ray he will not produce it. In all walks of life is full ideas, but is too impractical the carrying amount.
One type of this ray is unconventional to a degree, slovenly, unpunctual and the idle, and regardless of appearances. If influenced by the Fifth Ray as the Secondary Ray, this character is entirely changed. The Third and the Fifth Rays make the perfectly balanced historian who grasps his summit in a large way and verifies every detail with patient accuracy. Again, the Third and Fifth Rays together make the truly great mathematician who soars into heights of abstract thought and calculation, and who can also bring his results of down to the practical scientific use. The literary style of the Third Ray man is often too vague and involved, but influenced by the First, Fourth, Fifth or Seventh Rays, this is changed, and under the Fifth he will be master of the pen.
The curing of disease by the Third Ray man would be by the use of drugs made of herbs or minerals belonging to the same ray as the patient whom he desires to relief.
The method of approaching the great quest, for this Ray type, is by deep thinking of philosophic or metaphysical lines till he is led to the realization of the great beyond and of paramount importance of treading the path that leads beyond.
The Third Ray… finds its expression through the third major center on the planet; this center, we call humanity.
Elohim: Claire
Divine Complement: Astrea
Chohan/Master: Paul, Deva Kingdom
Archangel: Gabriel
Day: Wednesday
Color of Ray: Green
Color of light: White & Crystal
Quality of Ray: Harmony Through Conflict
Ray Four is called Harmony through conflict and is usually seen as green. Most of those that use this Fourth ray experience it through conflict rather than Harmony. All must learn to take this energy, this vibration, and to raise it up and function on the fourth ray harmoniously. Remember how much effort it takes to turn a Great ship into the wind to take full advantage of the wind in all the sails; it is the same with this ray.
There many artists, musicians, light workers on this ray in many of them go through a great deal of inner as well as of conflict before arriving at a point of Harmony. Fourth Ray people are very connected to the Earth. They have like the four variety of living in different places and doing many different things, which are creative by and through nature. The sometimes experienced so much in so little time they become mired in the all and forget to draw upon their strengths to bring was truly important for them and the all.
When Fourth Ray people get into the middle of a conflict, it becomes very compulsive, self-conducive and it will catch many of those unaware. It is very characteristic for these people to go to the heights and then to the depths, balancing both becomes an expression of the self through the higher bodies.
The main way to get up and out of these emotions and into balance is by using the mind and heart. Beautiful music as well as color visualizations combined with fragrances brings balance. The need to understand that this is a pattern and that they can overcome it and get into a higher level of the light.
There is a lot of basic appreciation for the Earth living in the Fourth Ray people, and they will relate to the Earth in many ways the most other rays do not. For these people are now providing the supplemental energy that the mother now needs to make her jump into the fourth dimension and as such carry, all those whom wish to make the journey an easier transition. It is sometimes difficult for them to meditate and get up into the Spiritual area because the Earth connection gets in the way. Many times they are into a lot of physical activity doing things on Earth such as driving vehicles, horseback riding, hiking, climbing, relating to animals, gardening, building and constructing in many different fashions. They like participating in Earth living.
Balancing the rays can be done by working with the Chakras, too. For the Fourth Ray, working with the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is connected to the emotional body in which is the seat of the ego, is very important in connecting the lower three chakras to the upper three which completes this spirit to the physical. Is important to stimulate it in the highest and most productive part and balance it completely.
The Master in charge of the Fourth Ray is Master Paul, who has been rather behind the scenes for all long time. Keywords extensively with the deva (angelic) kingdom and very closely with the Archangel Gabriel. As he blows with his trumpet he sounds the call for many. Gabriel is the messenger of things as they come to man from our other worlds.
The Fourth Ray is very connected with the Physical existence, so if you as a cocreator are going to create a physical world, the Fourth Ray is very important. Now, those who come to this world as evolving consciousnesses and say there is great resistance within the physical are really referring to this Ray. This Fourth Ray is the one that contains all that wonderful resistance you all enjoy in your emotional escapades, or interesting adventures, or involvements. When you are held in the middle of an emotional problem, what you are experiencing is the Fourth Ray at its least productive level.
The immersed quality of this Ray is very well known, and is very closely associated with the emotional body—with the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is very productive and is the means to overcoming things within the self that need overcoming-the way to do it.
Now you have an opportunity to aid the Earth in her growth by literally lifting this Ray to its higher aspect. Too long has the Earth kind of scrambled around in the bottom of this Ray. Too long have the emotional bodies of man and Earth been hooked to it at its lowest levels. In other material information has bee given in which to raise yourself out of this level. A way to crawl out of your emotional body, and you can equate this to climbing out of the lowest levels of the Fourth Ray. You can bring into the self the red will aspect—you can use it as a ladder. Climb your ladder of will, then. And do you know what else you can do when you get outside of it? Bring it up with you. Raise up that emotional area. Begin now in your meditations, to raise it up, using this greenness to signify this Ray. If you do this as a service in your meditations, it will aid the Earth.
The individualized spirit expresses itself through the various Ray types in the following manner:
The realization of that which is high and that which is low.
The darkness, which precedes the form expression.
The sensing of it in harmony, and co-operation with the part and not the whole.
Identification with humanity, the fourth Creative Hierarchy.
Undue recognition of that which is produced by speech.
Add normal sensitivity to that which is not self.
The evocation of the intuition.
Right judgment and pure reason.
The wisdom, which works through the angel of the presence.
There is much of practical usefulness to the reader in a study of these qualities. When he believes himself to be upon a particular ray, they will indicate to him some of the characteristics for which he may look, and perhaps demonstrate to him but he has to do, what he has to express, in what he has to overcome. These qualities should be studied from two angles: their divine aspect and their reverse aspect or the form side. (The fifth) Ray, for instance, is shown to be the revealer of the way, and it should be remembered therefore that this fifth Ray reveals the way down into death or into incarnation (which is the death-like prison of the soul), or it reveals the way up and out of the darkness into the pure light of God's day. I mention this as I am exceedingly anxious that all who read this treatise should make application of this teaching to their daily lives I am not interested in imparting weird or unusual items of information anent these matters for the delectation of an unhealthy mental appetite. The stocking of the memory with occult detail, which serves no useful purpose only strains, the brain cells and feeds the pride.
It will… be apparent to you all lower and higher expressions of a Ray are closely related to each other and how easily the higher loses its hold and lower comes into manifestation--- something that evolution itself must eventually adjust.
The Fourth Ray of Harmony, Beauty and Art
Strong affections, sympathy, physical courage, generosity, Devotion, quickness of the intellect and perception.
Self-centeredness, worrying, inaccuracy, lack of moral courage, strong passions, indolence, extravagance.
Serenity, confidence, self control, purity, unselfishness, accuracy, mental and moral balance.
This has been called the “ Ray of struggle” For on this ray the qualities of activity and inertia are so strangely equal in proportion that the nature of the Fourth Ray man is torn with their combat, and the outcome, when satisfactory, is spoken of as the “birth of Horus”, of the Christ, born from the throes of constant pain and suffering.
Tamas induces love of ease and pleasure, a hatred of causing pain amounting to moral cowardice, indolence, procrastination, a desire to let things be, to rest, and to take no thought of the morrow. Rajas is fiery, impatient, ever urging to action. These contrasting forces in the nature make life one perpetual warfare and the rest for the fourth ray man; the friction and the experience gained thereby may produce a very rapid evolution, but the man may as easily become a near-do-Well as a hero may.
The Ray of Harmony through conflict is a controlling factor in human affairs at all times, and peculiarly today.
This Fourth Ray is, in the last analysis, the ray which teaches the art of living in order to produce a synthesis of beauty. There is no beauty without unity, without embodied Idealism and resultant symmetrical unfoldment. This ray is not the ray of art, as it is often claimed, but is the energy which brings about the beauty of those living forms which embody the ideas and the ideals which are seeking immediate expression. Many people claim to be in the Fourth Ray because they dream of the artistic expression of life. As I have told you before, creative art expresses itself on all the rays.
Elohim: Vista
Divine Complement: Crystal
Chohan/Master: Hilarion, Markco
Archangel: Raphael
Day: Thursday
Color of Ray: Orange
Color of Light: Green
Qualities: Pure Intelligence/Concrete Knowledge
Upon This ray, do function the great scientists of the world and where they reside. Those with the intelligence to penetrate deeply into a cause, the source of a situation. They can analyze a situation and take it apart and put it back together, and know the best way to productively undertake the venture. They are the ones that do the conceptual work in the world. They have the mental capacities to lead mankind past the present situation and bring it into the new age. They can conceive it, and then others can bring it into being. They have the ability to conceptualize life, as it would be in the most efficient and productive way of living. Without this great Ray, such possibilities could not be understood since all begins with a seed thought and grows through many different incarnations before a finished and polished product is presented it for all of our use. The Ray allows the step of understanding by those that can use a productively.
Within the planetary hierarchy, the Fifth Ray Department has been exceptionally busy, over the last several hundred years. They direct, among other things, all the scientific pursuits going on at this present. Scientific principles are put forth which are then picked up by advanced beings upon the Earth, and that is why, when a new breakthrough is made scientifically, it may be made at more than one location upon the Earth at once, for as many cultures are present in the here and now representation must be made for the all. Those who are able to pick up the higher principles and are able to integrate much of the information and advance the scope of work, depending on where the concept of truth and evolution lie.
The Fifth Ray is associated with the mental body and is especially influential now because our current age is largely focused (Sometimes stuck) on developing as well as integrating other aspects to complete a creative learning cycle. Those who are not mentally focused experience primarily through their emotions, and they are benefiting greatly from this Fifth Ray influence, as is helps them to balance out the emotions.
The mental focus is necessary to begin the process of balancing everything out from our past perspectives. One can reach through the intuitive level to the higher levels, but when you are trying to balance everything completely, then it is through the mental one must go, because it balances at the emotional.
In the coming years, is more the higher rays come into prominence the Fifth Ray will help you understand these new energies. The head of this department is master Hilarion, who in another life was Paul of Tarsus. He shares his responsibilities now with another master known as Master Markco.
The Fifth-Ray energies are just coming into being, from the cosmic perspective. You see, they have been here for a while, but not as long as the types, we have just been discussing. In humanities evolution, and later in the New Age, they will become more prevalent. Is called the ray of pure intelligence, and upon this ray function the great scientists of the world--those with the intelligence to penetrate deeply to the cause of the situation.
We usually think of it as orange in color. Later, humankind will use this Ray especially for the Creator, as Cocreators. Of course, they will use all the Rays, but this one will enable them to conceptualize exactly what the Creator needs done in His Cosmic Plan. It is a marvelous Ray that, as I said, is only beginning to be understood and used by a few of advanced humanity.
The individualized spirit expresses itself through the various Ray types in the following manner:
Ray Five
The mental power to rationalize and destroy.
Desire for knowledge. This leads to material activity.
Intense materialism and temporarily the negation of deity.
Intensification of the power to isolate.
The implications of wrong emphasis.
Mental Devotion to form and form activity.
Leading to if brought into higher expression
The realization of the soul and his potentialities.
Power to recognize and contact the angel of the presence.
Sensitivity to deity, to light into Wisdom.
Spiritual and mental Devotion.
The power to take initiation. (This is a point of real importance.)
There is much of practical usefulness to the reader in a study of these qualities. When he believes himself to be upon on a particular ray, they will indicate to him some of the characteristics for which he may look, and perhaps demonstrate to him what he has to do, what he has to express, and what he has to overcome. These qualities should be studied from two angles: there divine aspect in their reverse aspect or the form side. (The Fifth) Ray, for instance, is shown to revealer of the way, and it should be remembered therefore that this Fifth Ray reveals the way down into death or into incarnation ((which is the death-like prison of the soul), or it reveals the way up and out of darkness into the pure light of God's day. I mention this, as I am exceedingly anxious that all who read this treatise should make application of this teaching to their daily lives. I am not interested in imparting weird or unusual items of information anent these matters for the delectation of an unhealthy mental appetite. The stocking of the memory with occult detail serves no useful purpose only strains the brain cells and feeds the pride.
It will… be apparent to you how the lower and higher expressions of a Ray are closely related to each other and how easily the higher loses its hold and a lower comes into manifestation--something that evolution itself must eventually adjust.
The Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science
Strictly accurate statements, Justice (Without Mercy), perseverance, common sense, uprightness, independence, keen intellect.
Harsh criticism, narrowness, arrogance, unforgiving temper, lack of sympathy and reverence, prejudice.
Reverence, Devotion, sympathy, love, wide-mindedness.
This is the ray of science and of research. The man on this ray will possess keen intellect, great accuracy in detail, and will make unwearied efforts to trace the smallest fact to its source, and to verify every theory. He will generally be extremely truthful, fully lucid in their explanation of facts, though sometimes pedantic and weary some from his insistence on trivial and on necessary verbal minutiae. He will be orderly, punctual, business-like, disliking to receive favors or flattery.
It is the ray of the great chemist, the practical electrician, the first-rate engineer, the great operating surgeon. As a statesman, the fifth ray man would be narrow in his views, but he would be an excellent head of some special technical department, though a disagreeable person under whom to work. As a soldier, he would turn most readily to artillery and engineering. The artist on this ray is very rare, of less the fourth or seventh be the influencing secondary Ray; even then his coloring will be billed, the sculptures lifeless, and his music (if he composes) will be on interesting, though technically correct in form.
In healing, he is the perfect surgeon, and his best cures will be through surgery and electricity.
The Fifth Ray… works actively on the plane of the greatest moment to humanity of (the mental plane), being, the plane of the soul, and of the higher lower mind. It embodies the principle of knowledge, and because of its activity in its close relation to the third ray of Active Intelligence might be regarded as a Ray having the most vital relation to man at this time in part particular. It is the ray which when active, as it was a Lemurian times, produces individualization, which is literally the shifting of the evolving life of God into a new sphere of awareness. This particular transference into higher forms of awareness tends, at the beginning, to be separativeness.
Elohim: Tranquility
Divine Complement: Pacifica
Chohan/Master: Nada and Jesus
Archangel: Uriel
Day: Friday
Color of Ray: Indigo
Colors of Light: Gold and Ruby
Qualities of the Ray:
Ray six is the Ray of Devotion or Idealism, and is seen as indigo blue. In astrology the age of Pisces, the sign of the Christian fish. An age that identifies itself with the turning of a body and an aspect. It passes from the development of the emotional to that of the mental and the devotion to the Father aspect of life. The head of this department of the planetary hierarchy is the Master Jesus.
The Sixth Ray, Devotion, can be very free and beautiful, but it can slide into fanaticism. It is rather heavy energy from a human perspective. It clings and makes one aspire along a specific path. It is not conducive to a search; it really focalizes a search, makes it specific all long one path, and thus it becomes a rather addictive energy, if you will, one that encourages specific points of view. Thus the sixth ray physical body may enjoy eating specific foods and overdue them. In religious areas, it may create a very fervent believer in his spiritual, philosophical, as well as relationship roles within themselves as well as connecting with others.
The Sixth Ray has dominated the Earth for the last two thousand years and is clearly expressed in current religions as well as cultural and national identities. The Sixth Ray was used extensively by Lord Maitreya the Christ. Devotion to the one God, obedience, used in connection with the second ray love vibration. He focused the Sixth Ray in a specific esoteric sense and through its use a certain focus grew and among the characteristics of that focus where the tenants of the contemporary Christian and Islamic religions.
The Second and Third Rays Develop through the Will and devotion to teaching as well, as does the love of the second produce discernment and patience which all combined produces compassion and wisdom as well as intent and the path of expression. This follows all whom choose to educate and share the passion of wisdom with others. The sixth department of the planetary hierarchy is still synthesizing all of the religions as well as national philosophies of the planet to bring forth that one representative governing form of identity.
Master Jesus continues to work with devotional patterns and expressions. He as well as other master teachers of the current histories are working together to synthesize all current doctrines under one basic set of value aspiration and then see it as a singular whole. As it is brought forth upon the Spirit realms, it will become available for those of us in the here and now to catch this manifesting thoughtform and make it manifest upon this our third dimensional plane, with a bit more fluid flow. All we have to do is bring forth. All that we need for the New Age is already here. Just send the thought out with the energy of the indigo ray and raise the vibration to move as fast as the light, we received every day and the Devotion and the commitment to causes there.
The Sixth-Ray energies are quite heavy. This is the ray of devotion. It is the one that has been present during the 2000 years of the Christian era; the thus the emphasis on Devotion. The perspective part of this ray allows you to experience something with great intensity. You become very devoted to it. You can attuned to this ray and experience the Creator in a joyous, emotional, intense way. Of course, this ray can be used on productively, also; thus, the fanatic of the Sixth-Ray persuasion may be a dictator, as opposed to the Christ, who is a great spiritual leader.
Once you had decided within a Sixth Ray intensity that this is your experience, you are no longer open, perhaps, to New Age concepts or to go beyond the ones that you already have. You will be happily devoted all of your life, probably, to these same concepts, serving very well within this original framework. The traditional religions--many people who experience within them--are on the Sixth Ray.
The individualized spirit expresses itself through the various Ray types in the following manner:
Sixth Ray
Violence. Fanaticism. Will full adherence to an ideal.
Militarism and the tendency to make trouble with others and with groups.
The power to see if no point except one's own.
Suspicion of people's motives.
Rapid reaction to glamour and illusion.
Emotional Devotion and bewildered Idealism.
Vibratory activity between the pairs of opposites.
Intense capacity to be personal and emphasize personalities.
Leading to, if brought into higher expression:
Steadiness of perception through the expansion of consciousness.
Reaction to, in sympathy with, the point of view of others.
Willingness to see the work of other people progress along their chosen lines.
The choosing of the middle way.
Peace and not war. The good of the whole and not part.
There is much of practical usefulness to the reader in a study of these qualities. When he believes himself to be upon a particular ray, they will indicate to him some of the characteristics for which he may look, and perhaps demonstrate to him what he has to do, what he has to express, and what he has to overcome. These qualities should be studied from two angles: there divine aspect and their reverse aspect or the form side. (The fifth) ray, for instance, is shown to be the revealer of the way, and it should be remembered therefore that this fifth Ray reveals the way down into death or into incarnation (which is the death-like prison of the soul), or it reveals the way up and out of darkness into the pure light of God's day. I mention this, as I am exceedingly anxious that all who read this treatise should make application of this teaching to their daily lives. I am not interested in imparting weird or unusual items of information anent these matters for the delectation unhealthy mental appetite. The stocking of the memory with occult detail, which serves no useful purpose only strains, the brain cells and feeds the pride.
It will… be apparent to you how the lower and the higher expressions of a Ray are closely related to each other and how easily the higher loses its hold and the lower comes into manifestation--something that evolution itself must eventually adjust.
The Sixth Ray of Abstract Idealism and Devotion
Devotion, single mindedness, love, tenderness, intuition, loyalty, reverence.
Selfish and jealous love, over-leaning on others, partiality, self-deception, sectarianism, superstition, prejudice, over-rapid conclusions, fiery anger.
Strength, self-sacrifice, purity, truth, tolerance, serenity, balance, and common sense.
This is called the Ray of devotion. The man who is on this ray is full of religious instincts and impulses, and of intense personal feeling; nothing is taken equitably. Everything, in his eyes, is either perfect or intolerable; his friends are Angels, his enemies are very much the reverse; his view, in both cases, is not formed on the intrinsic merits of either class, but on the way the person appeals to him, or on the sympathy or lack of sympathy which they show to his favorite idols, whether these be Concrete or abstract, for he is full of Devotion, it may be to cut a person, or it may be to a cause.
He must always have a “personal God,” and incarnation of deity to adore. The best type of this ray it makes the saint, the worst type, the bigot or the fanatic, the typical martyr or the typical inquisitor. All religious wars or crusades have originated from Sixth Ray fanaticism. The man on this ray is often of gentle nature, but he can always find into fury in fiery wrath. He will lay down his life for the objects of his devotion for reverence, but he will not lift a finger to help those outside of his immediate sympathies. As a soldier, he hates fighting but often when aroused in battle fights like one possessed. He is never a great statesman nor a good businessman, but he may be a great preacher or orator.
Idealism is the major gift of the Sixth Ray force. The method of healing for this ray would be by faith and prayer. The way of approaching the path would be by prayer and meditation, and mean a union with God.
Put no Sixth Ray people in positions of influence; they know not how to co- operate and are frequently points of dissension and dislike.
One is apt to recognize with the ease that the sixth ray, working through Mars, rules Christianity. It is a religion of Devotion, fanaticism, of high courage, of Idealism, of the Spiritual of emphasis upon the individual and his worth and problem, of conflict and of death. All those characteristics are familiar to us in the presentation of Christian and Islamic theology.
Elohim: Arcturus
Divine Complement: Diana
Mahachohan: St. Germaine
Archangel: Tzadkiel
Day: Saturday
Color of Ray: Pure Violet
Color of Light: Violet
Quality of Ray: Ordered Service, Culture, Refinement, Ceremonial Magic
The seventh ray is the ray of transmutation as well as that of transformation and as such been called ray of the new age. It is clearing the heavy energy patterns of past ages in our collective as well as of our individual lives and progressions. As it melts, the shadow or heaviness of our histories it opens us to new venues of higher vibrational energies as well as experiences. Which at times leave us with a sense of all this is wonderful yet where do I go from here? The essence of transformation. As we move and shift we need to create the new, in which to move into otherwise what do we have other than merely what was left originally?
St. Germaine has incarnated or more appropriately has been passing through this cycle of life with us since Atlantis when he first appeared as a priest king, Noah, Moses through the Merlin, Francis Bacon, Columbus, Thomas Jefferson. When ever the Master Germaine appears we as a collective cultures began a move from one set of norms to another. The master of changes he. Today he is a master getting mankind to this coming shift in dimensional life. Call upon him at any time within or out loud, if you wish to move beyond where you are, he will be there.
Where he is allowed, he is transmuting problems as well as areas across the Earth by means of the violet flame. This is his responsibility as a department head in the planetary hierarchical government. Under the direction of the Buddha and Kuthumi the Planetary Christ, his department begins the process of change across the world. Can you envision those places were changes have begun? Can you sense as well see how all these areas accept and work through all this in conjunction with the other rays to bring transition and progress into the here and now?
To work with and call forth the Seventh Ray, call it forth in your meditations by visualizing a Violet flame, or a rotating Violet rose in line with your third eye and allowing it to flow down through your entire chakra system into the Earth through your Earth star chakra. Another variation is that of in your daily cleansing (Shower or bath) visualize the water from the shower head cascading over your head down through your entire body cleansing the darkness and shadow with violet water/energy. If through a bath, feel the tides and waves of the violet light wash over you as a wave of Violet light/water washing over you. Actually, feel the energy vibrate through you on all energetic levels. When you are in this place to establish this two-way dialogue between the two of you with the aid of the transmuting violet ray. You may find yourself having many interesting conversations as a result. When you wish to send energy to another place or person, visualize them being enveloped in the violet flame and see the difference in their day-to-day routines.
The means to enter the New Age are offered by the Seventh Ray. It is coming into Earth and now and ever more intensely, but it is not yet what it will be later. This Ray has been referred to as ritualistic. What does that mean? It means specifically that things will be set in motion here by the seventh ray experience that will enable us to reach the New Age. They may be done with a preciseness that is repeated many times to bring about a raising of the energies, specifically to reach this evolutionary point we are seeking to reach. So it has been decided with precision how to do it. The Seventh Ray sets this into motion, doing it specifically as required to perform this function. It is part of the rays experience. An individual with much Seventh Ray, with a religious connotation, may enjoy a Ceremonial approach to religion--but not necessarily with the overall experience of the Ray. It just means, my friends, that there is a method within the seventh ray energies leading to the New Age. This beautiful transmuting energy is seen often in aura's of those who of entered the doorway to the new age. Many of you the stand in this doorway, and when I look at you I can see the beautiful transmuting qualities of the Seventh Ray that are aiding you.
The individualized spirit expresses itself through the various Ray types in the following manner:
Black magic, or the use a magical powers for selfish ends. The power to “ on the fence “ until selfish values emerges.
This order and chaos, through understanding of the plan.
The wrong use of speech to bring about chosen objectives.
Sex Magic. The selfish perversion of soul powers.
Leading to if brought into higher expression
White magic, the use of soul powers for spiritual ends.
The identification of one's self with reality.
Right order through right magic.
Power to cooperate with the whole.
The magical work of interpretation.
There is much of practical usefulness to the reader in a study of these qualities. When he believes himself to be upon a particular ray, they will indicate to him some of the characteristics for which he may look, and perhaps demonstrate to him what he has to do, what he has to express, in what he has to overcome. These qualities should be studied from two angles: their divine aspect and their reverse aspect or the form side. (The Fifth) Ray, for instance, is shown to be the revealer of the way, and it should be remembered therefore that this Fifth Ray reveals the way down into death or into incarnation(which is the death-like prison of the soul), or it reveals the way up and out of the darkness into the pure light of God's day. I mention this as I am exceedingly anxious that all who read this treatise should make application of this teaching to their daily lives. I am not interested in imparting weird or unusual items of information anent these matters for the delectation of an unhealthy mental appetite. The stocking of the memory with occult detail, which serves no useful purpose only strains, the brain cells and feeds the pride.
It will… be apparent to you all lower and higher expressions of a Ray are closely related to each other and how easily the higher loses its hold and a lower comes into manifestation--something that evolution itself must eventually adjust.
Strength, perseverance, courage, courtesy, extreme care in details, self-reliance.
Formalism, bigotry, pride, narrowness, superficial judgments, self opinion over indulge.
Realization of unity, wide-mindedness, tolerance, humility, gentleness and love.
This it is the ceremonial ray, the ray which makes a man the light and "all things done decently and in order." if and according to rules and precedent. It is the ray of the high priest and the court chamberlain, of the soldier who is a born genius in organization, of the ideal commissary general who will dress and feed the troops in the best possible way. It is the ray of the perfect nurse for the sick, careful in the smallest detail, though sometimes too much inclined to disregard the patient’s idiosyncrasies and to try and grind them in the iron mill of routine.
The bad type of Seventh Ray man is superstitious and such a man will take a deep interest in moments, as in dreams, in all occult practices, and in spiritualistic phenomena. The good type of their ray is absolutely determined to do the right thing and say the right word at right moment; hence great social success.
The prime… function of the Seventh Ray is to perform the magical work a blending spirit and matter in order to produce the manifest in form through which the life will reveal the glory of God.
The higher and more living energy of the seventh ray is the most active at this time in its resultant Idealism consequent New Age concepts are planning upon sensitive minds of the race and preparing humanity for a great and much needed change. The work of the Ray of Ceremonial order is to " ground " or make physically visible of the results of bringing spirit and matter together. Its function is to close spirit with matter, producing form.
The Seventh Ray is spoken of as governing the mineral kingdom of and also as manifesting through its medium ship that significance will characteristic and quality, which we call “radiation,” that were effectively describes the results of soul stimulation of upon and within every form. The life of the soul eventually, reach the it's beyond the form in this radiation produces definite and calculated the effects.
About 16 years ago, the Earth was granted by the additional or higher rays-5 additional ways, then, to create as we’ll as refine their evolutionary lives. These combined higher attuned and more refined rays are now being step down from the universal Elohim to our Solar godparents' and through our planetary hierarchy for individualized use now that our paths are knowledge course for the next dimensional shift. They have unique qualities of the fact ray is that each of us manifest through our Souls as well as our Monads depending on our individual strengths as well as weaknesses these rays will have impacts their quite personal as well as insightful for our moment to moment fifth growth. The Earth was granted these rays in order to lead the from the present evolutionary point to the New Age experience.
The higher rays, then are a blend of other rays with the energy of wholeness added---white light is added to the specific colors to make for a greater luminosity.
The Eight Ray is a cleansing ray and it helps to cleanout from self those characteristics there no longer appropriate; this truly may be the only thing that is the matter with your role behavior patterns that they are what one might call old-fashioned and inappropriate for a new age experience.
Ray Eight is a blend luminous green and violet and can be used very effectively as a cleansing ray. It is composed of three types of energy: the fourth ray( Emotional) and the seventh ( physical) and also the fifth (mental)ray.
The fifth Ray influence have to penetrate into the emotional body to help cleanse that level, and the seventh ray influences begin to transmute this energy to a higher level.
It maybe use by beating the emotional body in its light, feeling it being cleansed and balanced. It can also be used to open the inner vision by bringing its green-of Violet luminosity and to the third-eye Chakra(see compiled writings for Chakras piece) in the center of the forehead the should be done gradually, so as not to over energize the area. As the light comes in view it like a tunnel opening. See all light at the end of the tunnel, who into it, and see beyond the light.
Another way is to visualize, in your third eye area a lens much like that of a camera unfolding to allow the energy in. This can also be done while placing a clear quartz crystal at your third eye and then bringing the Eighth Ray through it.
This Ray truly allows you to release and cleanse the conditions within self than and not as productive as you like them to be. It is a beautiful luminosity that allows you to go beyond the point where you are. Use it, my friends. Call upon the Creator, and say, " Use this ray on me know; I call it into self in order that I may cleanse and loosen those conditions that I do not find appropriate keep "
The Ninth Ray is one that continues to work that the each Ray has begun after you have clams and lucent, in a sense, this pattern of Earth living that you are now seeking to expand, to go beyond you can use this beautiful ninth ray to aid you.
Ray Nine is seen as a luminous light blue-green, and although you would note by the colors, it is actually a blend of the first and second ray is. Anent rates helps to loosen the ties to the physical plane and establish contact with the soul level and the part of the self.
It enables one to come more in tune with what is called the body of Light, the expression you will utilize in experiences after leaving the earth plane. Utilize this night ray energy to tune it into the body of Light( also known as the light body), to seek its association, to seek its joining.
could way to meditate is to first use the seventh ray, the transmuting flame. Then use the eight ray in whatever way you wish. Then use the ninth grade, and use it with joy. After that, call for the body of Light and allow self to put it on( as if you are putting on new clothes). You then get in touch with the beautiful tenth ray also.
When you use the Christ did part of the being this to establish contact with this body of Light, and this beautiful blue-cream luminosity it can help you to continue on. The body of Light is recognized and becomes available when you attuned to this light blue-green you recognize it, and joyful you would Knowledge your own true greatness as one that is entitled to such a beautiful vehicle there. Use see, this ninth ray is very specific luminosity. It will enable the joy level to come into self, and thus the connection with the body of light becomes more and more apparent.
The Tenth Ray, is a pearl-colored luminosity, which contains first, second and third ray energies, plus the white light of wholeness.
The Tenth Ray, if you allow it, can actually code the body of Light into the physical structure ... it is the body of Light.
The Tenth Ray can enable you to lock in those changes that you are seeking to make, what ever they are. That's important, and You are all undergoing this process now on the Earth. The Tenth Ray is here in quite large quantities and only those who recognize its presence by their evolutionary point are getting in touch and are affected by it. Others don't even know that It is here. This means that if you are rather sensitive to it, you will see then that there are important changes going on within self.
The intensity of the Tenth Ray does increase your " opportunity " to learn in the polarity area because, of course, when fully realized, the Tenth Ray will allow the " oneness " of self to be experienced; the complete balance of the male and female aspects.
The body of Light is not the energy( etheric) body as you know it. It is a finer area of vibration that usually is not " accepted " on the earth. You really have to change your vibration so that it can become a part of physical existence. We call it " raising the vibration, " but truly, it becomes finer. This part has never been present physically on Earth. It is meant to come completely into physical existence. After the Soul merge ( third initiation), which in a sense recodes the cells, this becomes the " model " for physical cells, as never before possible in physical existence. It isn't the solar itself but the soul level that contains this energy. This particular body of light It doesn't really stop at soul level. It can be equated to some of the (junior) monadic levels also. Is the doorway to what all of you are seeking---the body of Light.
To use the Tenth Ray, see and feel the Pearl-colored luminosity descending on to and through you. If you can feel it's intensity and connect with its electrical Quality and send it into the Earth. By doing this, you are bring the body of light closer into reality for yourself as well as that for the Earth.
Ray Eleven is really the bridge to the new age. As the next level for humanity and the Earth itself. It is seen as an orange/pink luminosity and is a blend of the first, second and fifth rays, with the weight of the source said in.
It is a very special ray because it is a bridge to a whole new era in human living here on Earth. The first Ray makes a very penetrating. In this off and then by the second and again more penetrating by the fifth. What is it penetrated? What does it need to penetrate it that level? It is the " remnant/remover, " we could say. As the new opportunity comes closer and is approaching that final cleansing, the final removal of the remnants of what has been will be cleared out.
Now, a good way to work with that is to cover yourself, or a specific area, or the whole world with a blanket of it. In addition, as you do, see the earth began to observe this type of energy. In its most ideal way, it is a very balanced type of energy and will add to your balance.
It is the threshold, not merely the doorway, that has been approached for entered by means of the seventh ray, which begins the new age experience. The immediate threshold comes when you use the 11th ray. Use it to get to the New Age. Know that you move up a level by means of this Eleventh Ray.
The new age experience itself is contained in the 12th ray. It is the means by which all of the creative activities that we are looking forward to in the new age can be brought about. We work in meditation to sprinkle the Earth liberally with all of the higher rays, but it is the Twelfth Ray that is the physical embodiment of the lower rays and is now used to bring about their integration now.
Ray Twelve is the Ray of the new age and is a combination all risks, all possibilities. It is seen as a luminous gold and is perhaps the best rate to use when invoking the energy of the new age.
This is a new level for humanity, of and it means that humanity will be in touch with this level fourth-dimension, with the Creator level, as the Mahatma now aligning with planet Earth.
When it is then entirely new beginning where conscious interaction takes place more completely with the source level. After that the new age begins to, when this is the level that humanity has reached, it will understand is ever before its own part in the cause. The Earth itself will understand it's part and cosmos.
In the New Age, the main focus will be on the Twelfth Ray. It will be utilized as a focus of the highest type of energy that is available on Earth. The 12th ray literally embodies all of the other rays, and this ray is the embodiment of the Mahatma energy, although the major concentration for the Mahatma and is the first ray, magnified by the third ray. These rays are transformed, or step down by thousands of consuls of Twelve, such as your earth's planetary hierarchy. The dynamics of source energy is such that these councils direct the potency of the individual rays to the areas or fields of experience that are best suited for the contemporary person to understand the essence of that which is available for their own use.
their powerful way to use the 12th ray is to create vortexes or called call light and fields swirling through you and into the earth. If this energy will raise the vibration of anything that you direct it to, in a positive and harmonious way.
Ray Thirteen is a combining or joining of the sixth and seventh rays with the assistance of the Archangel Metatron. The color of this Ray is electric blue.
The combination of the two rays allows the softening of the sixth ray and thus reducing the tendencies, the fanaticism of the sixth, while giving added focus and energy to integrate the magic of the seventh ray to usher in the change as energy also as points of view of the new-age, see it as projecting a create vision of our new level of light and life experiences.
With Metatron’ s overshadowing this new ray, we bring the added influence of the angelic host, to assist in accomplishing Sources view of how the coming days could be shaded or colored. It adds the power of the sixth and the transmutational magic of the seventh with the personal attention your own angelic guides.
To anchor the Thirteenth Ray visualize a funnel or Vortex moving downward from the top of your head all the way down through yourself and connecting with the mother.
The Ray of universal love. It’s color will vary from a light Pink to that of a medium Magenta. Much has been said and written about Love. Until now, it has hidden itself within the folds of other more powerful “Rays of Aspect.” With the addition of the more, universal Tenth Ray, it was decided that mankind could use a beacon to anchor the many Rays into the physical as well as the etheric Heart. It assists in the Personality and the Soul to merge and to transmute the energies of the electro and that of the magnetic outcome . The color of divine attraction.
To integrate and anchor the Pink Ray, visualize yourself sitting in a chair and having luminous beam of Pink light scanning you from head to floor dissolving all the dark specks of energy in your aura, balancing your lighter bodies. Stand for a moment and look behind yourself to see the Pink Ray shining its way through you and your shadow lightening to the same luminous sparkling shade of pink. Knowing that through this universal love your journey and path just got a bit lighter.
Bailey, Alice A. Esoteric Psychology 1, New York: Lucis Publishing Co. 1936. Esoteric Psychology II, New York: Lucis Publishing Co. 1942. The Seven Rays of Life, New York: Lucis Publishing Co.1995.
Grattan, Brian Mahatma I & II The I AM PRESENCE, Light Technology Publishing Flagstaff Arizona, 1994.
McClure, Janet. PRELUDE TO ASCENSION, Light Technology Publishing: Flagstaff Arizona, 1996.
Printz, Thomas. The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak, Mount Shasta Ca. Ascended Master Teaching Foundation, 1986