The Sea Gods After Atlantis
The Biography of a Race of Man


"Very fittingly, the first from Dagon was received while sitting aboard " the golden flower, " she was then moored near Stanley Park in Vancouver, in the process of being completed. Dagon’s transmission is clear, precise and strong, but it was the overall impression of his integrity which communicated itself to us with such power.

All his communications have been set down as we received them with absolute nothing omitted, although he could have told us much more in a promise to do so in the future.

Dagon insisted that we should call this history of his people a biography, explaining that it parallels in macrocosm the conception, childhood and maturity of a man or woman, with all the hopes, trials and disappointments attendant upon being born into this world. Therefore, as a member of a race which still possesses the records and memory of what are to the rest of us, lost periods of our own history, his people want to use these pages to remedy this lack. In so doing, and in receiving insights into our own beginnings, we also, like the Dagon gain in our understanding of ourselves. "

The Sea Gods After Atlantis
Valerie Bonwick & Jonathan Bigras
Intaglio Publishing LTD.
Box 3584 Vancouver, B.C. v6b3y6


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