The Way Of The Wizard
Deepak Chopra


"The way of the wizard presents twenty spiritual lessons that help the reader transcend ordinary reality by creating a shift in perception that opens the mind to the value of spiritual transformation in everyday life. This transformation was the real alchemy of the wizard. Deepak Chopra invites the reader on a quest. He conjures up the voice of Merlin as the personification of wisest self. Presentation in the form of classic teacher-student stories, Merlins instructions to a young Arthur reveal the art of transforming self-imposed limitations into mastery of the infinite possibilities for achieving love, fulfillment, and spiritual connection.

If you sit quietly and observe your mind, you will see that it is full of mixed signals. We are so caught up in playing roles–caretaker, provider, parent, child–that we haven’t found time to find out who we truly are. Each lesson in the way of the wizard awakens the mind and turns us toward a more rewarding journey into the realm of the boundless.

As you grow in wisdom and experience from one lesson to the next, new Qualities unfold within yourself that help to create the life you want. The purpose from learning from a wizard is to find the wizard within. Having found the inner guide, you have found yourself."

The Way Of The Wizard
Deepak Chopra
Harmony Books
210 East 50th St
New York, New York 10022
ISBN 0-517-70430-4-x


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