Conscious Evolution
Barbara Marx Hubbard


"Conscious Evolution presents a plan that can bring humanity across dangerous threshold of possible self destruction to the point of the shift–when we realize we’re going to make it, that we have the capacity to survive and grow. This plan is composed of initiatives that are ready occurring, but have not yet been connected, communicated, and understood to be vital elements of the whole system transition.

Through awareness of the recurring patterns in the process of evolution, we gain a new view of ourselves as active participants in the creation–cocreators with the process of evolution. The whole evolutionary journey is seen as the story of a birth of the universal humanity. Our current crises are understood as the crises of the birth of the next age of our evolution, dangerous but natural.

Conscious evolution is rinsed specifically for those who have recognize the desire to transform and grow. It is a call to each generation to fulfill its creative potential. It provides tools and opportunity for each of us to participate in the greatest adventure in human history.

This is our finest hour. We live in a unique time, perhaps as significant as when the first humans arose in self-consciousness in an animal world. Millions of us are rising in a more universal, holistic, or cosmic consciousness in a self-centered world. We are being call forth in every field and discipline to fulfill our potential through joining together in creative action. In the Gospel according to Thomas it is said, " If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. "


Conscious Evolution
Barbara Marx Hubbard
New World Library
14 Pamaron Way
Novato ,CA. 94949
ISBN 1-57731-016-0


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