Hi Folks,
The following is not written in stone--it is a thought and feeling in progress--so to speak--it is me thinking aloud trying to figure all this out. I last edited it in 2003:
Let me you give you a breakdown on "selves" as I see it--from "most" conscious self to the "most" subconscious one. I'm sure this list will raise more questions--which I welcome--for each question helps me to clarify to myself my beliefs in this areas. Please note that there really are no true separations of the Self--but these distinctions are made for the purposes to explaining and/or discussing the various "parts":
1. The Waking, Conscious, or Ego Self: This is what we think of or refer to as "me" in the everyday sense of the word. This is Jill Smith and her personality as she knows herself consciously. This is what she consciously believes about herself--and how she consciously reacts to things. This is the "realm" of dealing solely with her physical perceptions. This would be what you say Seth calls "The Outer Ego." The Ego Self or the Outer Ego-holds beliefs. These beliefs would be physicalized as long as no other "parts" of the self hold conflicting and stronger beliefs in the same area.
2. The Personal Subconscious: This is tied directly to the Conscious Self and becomes filled with material from the personality's daily life and how that life is lived. This inner focus or location--may also hold beliefs. The overall "rule" about beliefs always holds true--whatever the strongest belief is that held by any focus of the self--that is the one that will be physicalized.
3. Probable Selves: Each personality creates infinite probable selves which live out the infinite possibilities any given situation that involves choice. The Conscious Self chooses from this pool of possibilities that which she wants to physicalize on the physical plane as her actual physical experience. Each probable self has its own personal subconscious. The beliefs of any probable self would not have a direct impact on the lives of any other probable self. Speaking of the Waking, conscious self--which is really just one of these probable selves--IF a probable experience bleeds thru into the subconscious of the waking self--creating a strong belief--then that belief would be physicalized if it was the strongest held belief in that particular area.
4. Dream Selves: Each personality creates infinite dream selves which live out each dream experience. These dreams and dream selves do not end when we wake up. They continue on their own...and sometimes when we dream we are actually "revisiting" one of these ongoing dreams in progress. The feeling we get is that we are sort of "waking up" in a dream in an ongoing experience or dream that seems to be in progress. When we actually wake up, we switch our focus back to the waking self, and this dream self continues on its merry or unmerry way. Each dream self has its own personal subconscious. IF a dream experience bleeds thru into the subconscious of the waking self--creating a strong belief--then that belief would be physicalized if it was the strongest held belief in that particular area.
(PLEASE NOTE: What is fascinating with the probable and dream selves are that each probable self and each dream self continue their existence and have their own choices to make--further producing even more probable selves; and they go to their own sleeps and have their own dreams--further producing their own dreams selves. Etc. Etc. I believe that this infinitely expanding universe of selves--is physically manifested in our physical universe as what is perceived as the "expanding universe." This is what is actually behind why the universe seems to be expanding in the manner it is.)
5. Personal Collective Subconscious: This is tied directly to the pool of all probable and dream selves; and becomes filled with material from their daily lives. The Ego Self, and each dream and probable self has access to the information and experiences contained in the Personal Collective Subconscious--and may learn from and benefit from these experiences, and use them to help make their decisions and form their opinions as they live their lives. IF any material from the Personal Collective Subconscious bleeds thru into the subconscious of the waking self--creating a strong belief--then that belief would be physicalized if it was the strongest held belief in that particular area.
6. The Inner Self: That part of the Self which is responsible for, helps and deals with the reality as it is perceived by the Conscious Self and all of the probable and dream selves. All of these selves "answer to" or interact directly with the same Inner Self. IF material or information from the Inner Self bleeds thru into the subconscious of the waking self--creating a strong belief--then that belief would be physicalized if it was the strongest held belief in that particular area.
7. Incarnational Selves: These are what are commonly called "past" lives in typical discussions on spirituality. In fact, incarnational selves also include "future" lives as well. Since time is simultaneous, all these lives are actually occurring in the timeless now, or what Seth calls the "spacious present. "Each Incarnational Self--in "complete" with its ongoing and unblossoming "pools" of dream and probable selves. IF an incarnational experience bleeds thru into the subconscious of the waking self--creating a strong belief--then that belief would be physicalized if it was the strongest held belief in that particular area.
(PLEASE NOTE: Most Incarnation Selves exist in different linear time periods, but not always. When two Incarnational Selves exist during the same lifespan or in the same linear time period, they are called "Counterparts.")
8. The Overall Collective Subconscious: This is tied directly to the pool of all Incarnational Selves and their "pools" of probable and dream selves; and becomes filled with material from all of their daily lives. All the Ego Selves, and all the dream and probable selves from all of these lifetimes have access to the information and experiences contained in the Overall Collective Subconscious--and may learn from and benefit from these experiences, and use them to help make their decisions and form their opinions as they live their lives. IF any information or concepts bleeds thru from "here" into the subconscious of the waking self--creating a strong belief--then that belief would be physicalized if it was the strongest held belief in that particular area.
(PLEASE NOTE: The material within this Overall Collective Subconscious we bring with us when we are born. In other words, we are not born "blank slates" when we are born, but come into the world with a great deal of knowledge and information and beliefs from various other incarnations "already in progress," so to speak. We add to this pool of information and experiences, our own experiences--via our Waking Self and its dream & probable selves & collective subconscious’s.)
9. The Whole Self or the Oversoul: This is the Whole Self--that is the conglomeration of all the previous selves and subconscious’s. The Whole Self deals with and has information readily available to it--all that is happening with each Incarnational Self and its pools of ever-unfolding dream and probable selves. The Whole Self is "conscious" of all of the above information and experience. To use an analogy: A person may be a father, son, friend, uncle, bowler, lover, husband, shopper, lawyer, etc...He may have all these different roles--but yet he is one person who takes on all these roles. Well, each role would be like another incarnation in another time period; and the one person who takes on all these roles, would be the Oversoul or Whole Self. IF any messages or concepts bleed thru into the subconscious of the waking self--creating a strong belief--then that belief would be physicalized if it was the strongest held belief in that particular area.
(PLEASE NOTE: That each of us, or each of our waking selves, are thus a part of or connected to an Oversoul or Whole Self. There is open and ongoing communications occurring between all of our Whole Selves or Oversouls.)
Now, there really are no such separations of the conscious and subconscious minds; nor within the subconscious mind. We are really talking about different focuses of one self.
For example, the ego, waking, conscious self--is actually that part of the Inner Self which focuses on and deals with physical reality. It has access, via the personal subconscious, to the collective subconscious and the Whole Self subconscious...although there really are no separations.
To separate out all those parts that may be considered part of the subconscious level...
The way I see things, there are four subconscious levels within each of us. There is the Personal Subconscious, that which develops around a particular personality that is living in the body. Then, there is more of a Personal Collective Subconscious--which is connected to the waking self and its dream and probable selves.
Then, there is an overall Collective Subconscious which is connected with all the various incarnations of one particular Oversoul or Whole Self which exist in different linear time periods.
This overall Collective Subconscious we bring with us when we are born. In other words, we are not born "blank slates" but come into the world with a great deal of knowledge and information and beliefs from various other incarnations "already in progress," so to speak.
There is, then, a forth level of subconscious, that which the Whole Self shares with other Whole Selves.
To repeat: There really are no such separations of the conscious and subconscious minds; nor within the subconscious mind. We are really talking about different focuses of one self.
For example, the ego, waking, conscious self--is actually that part of the Inner Self which focuses on and deals with physical reality. It has access, via the personal subconscious, to the collective subconscious and the Whole Self subconscious...although there really are no separations.
These are all just various focal points of a whole.
These terms and definitions are not written in stone, so to speak.
One thing is not precisely one thing and not another. These
Definitions and concepts are not like math, for example, where,
basically speaking, 3 is half of 6.
Be well & happy,
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